, Wong Su-jhen (Chief Secretary of Energy Administration), Chang Ming-ping (Director-General of Investment Promotion Department (MOEA)), Olivier Jouny (Senior Vice President Renewables, TotalEnergies), Cynthia Kiang (Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs), XS Koo (Chairperson,YWPC), Hsieh Su-ya (Deputy Mayor of Yunlin County), Patrick)

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 18 February 2019 - KerryLogistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) announces anew joint venture with E-Services Group ('ESG'), an international e-commercecompany in Asia, to strengthen global e-commerce fulfillment capabilities,especially in the Greater China region. The joint venture, Kerry ESG (HK)Company Limited ('Kerry ESG'), will combine KerryLogistics' global supplychain capabilities with ESG's technology platform, globalmarketplace networks, and e-commerce expertise tooffer etailers cost-efficient solutions internationally.
Kerry ESG, setto debut in March 2019,aims to become one of theleaders in global e-commerce fulfillmentsolutions, enabling etailers to deliver products to customers anywhere in theworld quickly and cost-effectively. Through direct integration with leading shoppingcartsand global marketplaces, etailersusing Kerry ESG'sservices will be able to seamlessly manage their order fulfillment, inventory, and returns to andfrom multiple logistics centres through one platform.
WilliamMa, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics, said, "We are thrilled aboutthe growth opportunities in global e-commerce. With Kerry ESG, we are creatinga unique platform with total solutions from upstream marketing to downstreamlogistics that will capitalise on the booming international marketplace modelto facilitate the exports for our international brand customers. Combiningforces as industry leaders, Kerry Logistics and ESG are well-positioned tounlock the potential in the market with this new joint venture."
Alan Lim, Founder andCEO of ESG, said,"Winning at e-commercemeans getting every piece of the puzzle right, and fast, reliable fulfillmentis a critical component of success. This partnership gives etailers access toan extensive distribution network to support e-commerce fulfillment in everymarket and with every online channel. With Kerry Logistics we have found agreat partner, whose capabilities complement ours and whose culture and visionmatches that of our team. I amexcited about how we can grow this business together."
Kerry Logistics hasidentified cross-border e-commerce, particularly between Greater China andASEAN, as a major growthsectorwhich plays to its strengths. The new partnership with ESG,which is the official partner of leading marketplaces including JD.id, Rakuten, and Newegg.com,will play a pivotalrole in strengthening the foothold that thetwo companies have inthis area.
AboutKerry Logistics Network Limited (Stock Code 0636.HK)
KerryLogistics is an Asia-based, global 3PL with the strongest network in Asia. Itscore competency is providing highly customised solutions to multinationalcorporations and international brands to enhance their supply chain efficiency,reduce overall costs, and improve response time to market. Kerry Logistics hasa network covering 53 countries and territories, and is managing 53 million sqft of land and logistics facilities worldwide, providing customers with highreliability and flexibility to support their expansion and long-term growth.Kerry Logistics Network Limited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong KongStock Exchange and is a selected Member of the Hang Seng CorporateSustainability Index Series 2017-2018.
About E-Services Group
ESGempowers brands, manufacturers, and e-commerce sellers to grow their businessand capture overseas markets through the provision of e-commerce solutions.Founded in the U.K. in 2002, ESG has more than 15 years' experience in how tosell internationally and optimise cross border fulfillment. ESG is now theleading international end-to-end e-commerce company in Asia, headquartered inHong Kong, with offices in China, Singapore, and Taiwan. As the strategicpartner to over 20+ leading global marketplaces such as Rakuten, JD.id, andCdiscount, ESG not only enables its 28,000+ etailers to grow their businessesinternationally through marketplaces, but also supports them with comprehensiveshipping solutions. (eservicesgroup.com)