SINGAPORE- MediaOutReach- 30 January 2019 - Singapore and Hong Kong are often seencompeting for the title of Asia's most important financial hub. This reportanalyses the state of digital transformation in banks in both cities based ontheir hiring activities in 2018.
TopHiring Singapore Banks Posted More Technology Roles Than Top Hiring Hong KongBanks
While the top hiring banksin Hong Kong generally hire more positions than the top hiring banks in Singapore,the banks in Singapore hire a much larger proportion of technology jobs, with 20%of job posting being a technology job, as compared to 5% in Hongkong.
Banks with significant presence in bothcities also hire a larger number of technology jobs in Singapore as compared toHong Kong
For instance, J.P. Morganposted 640 technology jobs in Singapore and 170 in Hong Kong and DBS posted 630technology jobs in Singapore and only 50 in Hong Kong. Given that these bankshave a significant presence in Hong Kong, it could suggest that they are basingmost of their digitisation efforts in Singapore.
Singapore | Hong Kong | ||||
Top Hiring Banks | Job Postings | Technology Job Postings | Top Hiring Banks | Job Postings | Technology Job Postings |
UOB | 3,000 | 600 (20%) | Bank of China | 4,830 | 290 (6%) |
J.P. Morgan | 2,460 | 640 (26%) | HSBC | 2,800 | 70 (2%) |
Citibank | 1,970 | 170 (9%) | Citibank | 2,080 | 130 (6%) |
DBS Bank | 1,500 | 630 (42%) | Hang Seng Bank | 1,330 | 30 (2%) |
OCBC | 1,320 | 50 (4%) | Nanyang Commercial Bank | 1,240 | 10 (1%) |
BusinessIntelligence/Analytics, Data Analytics and Application Engineering were themost sought-after technology domains among top hiring banks in Singapore andHong Kong in 2018
This is in line with banks' digital transformationinitiatives and their push for analytics. The hiring trend for BusinessIntelligence/Analytics and Data Analytics positions is consistent across manyof the large banks in recent years. J.P. Morgan and OCBC seem to follow thistrend to a lesser extent in 2018. OCBC technological domains are more spreadout in Singapore with a slightly stronger focus in Information Security whileJ.P. Morgan has a deeper focus on Application Engineering.
It is also noteworthy that there is a stronger focus on InformationSecurity positions in top hiring Singapore banks than its counterparts in HongKong, which is another indication of digitising efforts in Singapore, given thatcyber security plays a critical role in digitisation.
Breakdown (%) ofTechnology Jobs Domains by Top Hiring Banks in Singapore and Hong Kong in 2018
The heatmap examines the breakdown oftechnology jobs posted by these top hiring banks by their technologicaldomains, with darker shades showing higher prevalence and vice versa.
Most Sought-After Skillsin BusinessIntelligence/Analytics , Data Analytics and ApplicationEngineering by Top Hiring Banksin Singapore and Hong Kong in 2018
| Business Intelligence/Analytics | Data Analytics | Application Engineering | |||
Rank | Singapore | Hong Kong | Singapore | Hong Kong | Singapore | Hong Kong |
1 | Data Analytics | Business Finance | Data Analytics | Data Analytics | Java | Java |
2 | Project Management | Project Management | Big Data | Python | Cloud | Cloud |
3 | Business Finance | Risk Management | SQL | Machine Learning Algorithms | Big Data | Big Data |
4 | Business Analytics | Microsoft Excel | Python | SAS | Machine Learning Algorithms | Machine Learning Algorithms |
5 | Regulatory Compliance | Regulatory Compliance | Hadoop | R-Programming | Cyber Security | Cyber Security |
There are some similarities in terms of skills and domainknowledge areas across technological domains in Singapore and Hong Kong tophiring banks. Business Intelligence/Analytics positions focused on business andfinance related domain knowledge, while Data Analytics positions focused moreon popular programming, database management and statistical skills used in DataScience. Also, banks from both countries tend tolook out for Java and Cloud skills sets for Application Engineering positions.
However, for the Data Analytics domain, there are more BigData related technology skills such as Big Data and Hadoop in Singapore whereasMachine Learning Algorithms, SAS and R-Programming are more sought-after inHong Kong.
Singaporebanks are ramping up on its technological expertise more intensely
Not only are Singapore banks looking to hire moretechnological talents, they are also looking to hire for a wider variety ofdifferent domain expertise, which is often necessary for digitisation of asector. The above analysis offers a glimpse into the different approaches tworival financial hubs are taking to improve their competitive advantage in theregion.
By analysing skills requirements across domains, companiesand geolocations, it is possible to glean deeper insights into companies hiringtrends as well as workforce demands in countries.
Infographic -- DigitalTransformation Among Singapore & Hong Kong Top Banks
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JobTech will continue to provide flash reportscovering different sectors in Singapore, with a focus on highly sought-afterskills and labor market trends. In this regard, JobTech is using its Big DataAnalytics and Artificial Intelligence capabilities to provide visibility andanalysis of the online jobs market in Singapore to support companies anddecision makers there.
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