HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach - 30January 2019 - LaboratoryJaneClare Limited-- owner of "JaneClare", an all-natural, organic skincare brand with nilharmful chemicals is honored to be awarded the 2018 Hong Kong Top BrandAward presented by Hong Kong Brand Development Council. HongKong Top Brand Awards aim at giving recognition to outstanding brand namesfounded by Hong Kong companies, to encourage producers in pursuit ofsuperiority, to promote Hong Kong products, and to augment theprofile, both locally and internationally, of Hong Kong industry.
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Nilsynthetic preservatives and harmful chemicals. In recent years,natural skin care has gradually begun to be advocated. There are also manyreports that ingredients in skincare products can cause skin allergies and evenaffect health. However, JaneClarepursued products without harmful chemicals and synthetic preservatives as earlyas 2003. After more than ten years of persistence and hard work, theproduct began to be completely free of artificial preservatives while keepingfor over three years. This year, it was selected by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council asa "Hong Kong Top Brand". It was the first Hong Kong R&D and manufactured skincare brand to receivesuch award.
Meetingstrict standards of the Environmental Working Group. JaneClare ChairmanAngela Lee said, "After working very hard for years to produce organic andall-natural skincare products without harmful chemicals and syntheticpreservatives, when the dominant market is flooded with chemicals to achieveskin care results, we are proud to say that JaneClare is successful in creatingproprietary formulations which are free of any synthetic preservatives andother harmful chemicals, including those defined by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of the US Environmental Protection Agency and listed as more than 4,000hazardous chemicals commonly found in 99% of international skincare andpersonal care products."
StatutoryDeclaration. In addition to producing skincare products that are free of harmfulchemicals, Ms. Angela Lee and her head of R&D, Mr. Kevin Leung, wentfurther to make two legally binding statutory declarations in order to providecomfort and assurance to users. Ms. Lee said, "all our product ingredientsare in strict accordance with the EWGguidelines and that a select number of JaneClare products are formulated forsafe use by pregnant women and children."
Ultra-PureWater Double Filtration System. Water is one of the main ingredients forskincare production. JaneClarehas set up its own aseptic manufacturing facility in San Po Kong, Hong Kongwith GMP certification, using advanced production equipment, including "Ultra-Pure Water Double Filtration System"and "Joyful Musical Treatment". "The water that came through this water purification system is good evenfor intravenous injection for medical purposes," said Ms. Lee. "Ourproducts are exposed to 24/7 classical music. There are numerousexperiments which show that water that is nurtured under classical music yieldsbeautiful water crystals which infuse lifting energies to our products."
ProprietarySkin Penetration Technology. The nutrients of the product must beable to penetrate the various layers of the skin in order to see the product'seffectiveness. "JaneClareproducts are efficacious because we have adopted the "water-in-oil-in-water" ("WOW")skin penetration technology which is used by the world's major pharmaceuticalcompanies, but our proprietary version of the technology performs without theuse of chemicals," said Mr. Leung. "This WOW technology successfully helps organise product nutrients topenetrate into the deepest layers of the skin to maximize the functionality ofthe products to achieve our skincare objectives."
JaneClareAccolades. JaneClare has been established formore than 16 years and has won many accolades, including the world's firstskincare product factory using Ecocert certified organic Chinese herbalmedicine as raw material. In 2015, it was awarded the "Hong Kong Most Trusted Skincare Brand Award" by Mediazone. The brand wasselected as "one of the mostvaluable companies of the year in Hong Kong" in 2016 by Mediazone. In addition to thelocal media, including the beauty media and the news media's many albumintroductions, JaneClare wasinterviewed by CCTV in early2018. It was the first international skincare product factory to befeatured in the discovery channel of CCTV. Theprogram was broadcast in August of the same year. Towards the end of2018, JaneClare was invited bythe National Xinhua News Agency tobe enlisted in the 2018 People'sRepublic of China Yearbook as one of the outstanding enterprises.
Being recognised as a Hong Kong Top Brandfurther highlights the quality of JaneClare and supports it as it stands to becounted in a market traditionally dominated by European, US and Japaneseproducts and since the recent decade, Korean products.