HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 19 December 2018 - Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) ispleased to announce that application for the Kerry Logistics Hackathon('Hackathon') is now open. Always striving to embrace technologicalbreakthroughs and innovative solutions to enhance its service capabilities,Kerry Logistics is organising the two-day Hackathon, to be held from 23 to 24February 2019.
Theevent is Kerry Logistics' first ever hackathon in Hong Kong. Under the title of"Drone Warehouse", participants will compete in teams to develop the fastestand most accurate autonomous drones in capturing warehouse information.
Withthree to five members, each team must consist of at least one drone engineerand one application developer. Within a 24-hour time frame, participants will usea mixture of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to buildapplications teaching an autonomous drone how to follow the best flight path ina warehouse in order to maximise efficiency and ensure accuracy, and to extractinformation from the videos that the drone captures. Professional mentors andindustry-leading technology partners will be in attendance to host workshops providingguidance in manoeuvring and programming the drones.
SamuelLau, Deputy Managing Director -- Integrated Logistics of Kerry Logistics, said,"Automation is becoming an indispensable part of the logistics industry. The Hackathon,the first one we organise in Hong Kong, not only exemplifies the continuousefforts Kerry Logistics makes to adopt innovations, but also gives a glimpse ofa career in the logistics industry to young technology enthusiasts. Come andjoin the competition to unleash your creativity through your technologicalknow-how!"
Dronesenthusiasts, specialists, and coders who are interested in joining theHackathon can apply at https://hackathon.kerrylogistics.com. Whileparticipation in the event is free of charge, a reservation fee of HK$120 isrequired, which will be fully refunded after the event except for no-shows. Applicantsare subject to a selection process, details of which will be given afterregistration. Application closes on 28 January 2019.
About Kerry Logistics Network Limited (Stock Code 0636.HK)
KerryLogistics is an Asia-based, global 3PL with the strongest network in Asia. Itscore competency is providing highly customised solutions to multinationalcorporations and international brands to enhance their supply chain efficiency,reduce overall costs, and improve response time to market. Kerry Logistics hasa network covering 53 countries and territories, and is managing 53 million sqft of land and logistics facilities worldwide, providing customers with highreliability and flexibility to support their expansion and long-term growth.Kerry Logistics Network Limited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong KongStock Exchange and is a selected Member of the Hang Seng Corporate SustainabilityIndex Series 2017-2018.