Tourism Bureau Excitedly Promotes Star-Branded Hotels

December 19, 2018 - 10:11
Tourism Bureau Excitedly Promotes Star-Branded Hotels

Quality Accommodation Options at Your Ease


TAIPEI,TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 19 December 2018 - Taiwan is famous for its hospitality,beautiful scenery, and delicious street foods, which are well received bytourists at home and abroad. To enable tourists to easily choose a comfortableaccommodation for their stay in Taiwan so as to make their trip even morewonderful, the Tourism Bureau, MOTC has implemented a star-rated hotelevaluation system. Through a fair, just, and open evaluation mechanism, theBureau not only helps hoteliers continuously improve their quality, but alsomakes it easier for travelers to identify and choose suitable hotels.


Following the"BEST OF STAR HOTEL AWARD" in 2017, the Tourism Bureau, MOTC hasexpanded the "BEST OF STAR HOTEL AWARD" and held the "BEST OFSTAR HOTEL AWARD 2018" at the five-star Grand Victoria Hotel. Through therelevant publicity and promotion, we hope to create a quality brand of theTaiwan hotel industry and improve the visibility of star-rated hotels, as wellas to provide travelers with an accommodation and environment that is relaxed,safe, clean, and with excellent qualities, so that tourists can enjoy the mostcomfortable accommodation experience of star-brand services in hotels, and atthe same time promote the recognition of hoteliers.


This event willpromote star-rated hotel features with five major themes, namely: "Holiday& Entertainment", "Parent-Child Travel", "DistinctiveStyles", "Smart & Green" and "Backpackers & GrandTours". In addition to internet users' voting onFacebook for favorite hotels, professional judges were also invited to selectthe Star of the Year. The Tourism Bureau awarded the hoteliers with trophies tocommend them for their hard work and support of star-brands.


Hotelassociations and unions are actively participating in this grand occasion ofthe hotel industry, and the Director General of Tourism Bureau, Chou Yung-huisaid the bureau has constantly hoped that Taiwan's hotel service quality willbe in line with international standards, with star-rated hotels being a basicindicator. A total of 189 star-rated hotels entered the "BEST OF STARHOTEL AWARD 2018" this time, indicating that the hoteliers pay closeattention to the great annual star-rated hotel event.


To give thepublic a better understanding of star-rated hotels, the Tourism Bureau, MOTCstarted a series of promotion activities for star-rated hotels at the beginningof this year, including "Stars in My Heart", "Taiwan Grand Tourwith Web Celebrities", and "BEST OF STAR HOTEL AWARD 2018". Itis hoped that the public can get to know star-rated hotels better, and thenbook and stay in the nominated star-rated hotels at the same time when theyparticipate in the event. In the future, we will continue to encouragehoteliers to attract guests by giving full play to their strengths andadvantages, with "A Good Hotel Is A Star Hotel", as well as break theold concept that only a multi-star hotel is a good hotel, and enhance hoteliers' and consumers' recognition of star-rated hotels. At thesame time, we also hope to encourage domestic hoteliers to participate in the"Star-Rated Hotel Evaluation", improve the quality of service throughthe evaluation standards, and through the plentiful marketing activities ofstar-rated hotels, improve the competitive advantage of star-rated hotels.


The "BESTOF STAR HOTEL AWARD 2018" list has been published on the website ofstar-rated hotels. For further information about star-rated hotels of eachtheme, please check the TaiwanStay Website of the Tourism Bureau, MOTC


TaiwanStay Website   

Star Trip Website
