HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - December 20, 2018 - MetLifeHong Kong* has won the Corporate Citizen Award at the BENCHMARKWealth Management Awards for the fourth consecutive year, recognizing itscontinuous contributions to promote social inclusion. MetLife Hong Kong strivesto create a healthy and inclusive society through sponsoring charitableactivities and participating in Corporate Social Responsibility programs.MetLife Hong Kong has also been named as a "Caring Company" by the Hong KongCouncil of Social Service for the sixth consecutive year.
Mr. Lee Wood, Chief Executive Officer ofMetLife Hong Kong, said, "I am so honored that MetLife Hong Kong has been recognized again for itscontributions to the community. Joining hands with different organizations, weare committed to Corporate Social Responsibility by serving people from allwalks of life. We particularly support child inclusion, waste reduction, hungersolutions and environmental protection. We will continue to uphold a corporateculture of giving back to society. In the years ahead, we will raise socialawareness for people in need and unleash their potential to the fullest, intandem with our brand commitment to help people navigate life together."
This year, MetLife Hong Kong supported several Corporate SocialResponsibility programs. These included joining hands with Food Angel toprepare nutritious hot meals from rescued edible surplus food, and distributingthe meals to the underprivileged; working together with Treats to participatein a cookie workshop promoting the inclusion of children of differentcapabilites and backgrounds; and experiencing Dialogue in the Dark in completedarkness, which advocates social inclusion by better understanding visuallyimpaired people. MetLife Hong Kong is dedicated to promoting a culture of CorporateSocial Responsibility across all levels throughout the company. To encourageemployee participation in volunteer programs, MetLife Hong Kong grantsemployees a full day of paid volunteer leave each year.
About MetLife
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through itssubsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the world's leadingfinancial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefitsand asset management to help its individual and institutional customersnavigate their changing world. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in morethan 40 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States,Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information,visit www.metlife.com.
* MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life InsuranceCompany of Hong Kong Limited (collectively "MetLife Hong Kong") arewholly-owned subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. in Hong Kong and private companieslimited by shares incorporated and registered under the applicable laws in HongKong. Both MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong KongLimited are authorized insurers carrying long term business in Hong Kong.