HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - October 12, 2018 - Global technology solutions provider ArrowElectronics, Inc., now offers ThundercommTurboXTM AI development kit from Thunder Software Technology Co.,Ltd. (Thundersoft), a world leading smart platform technology provider, in theAsia-Pacific market. Arrow iscollaborating with Thundersoft to assist developers and engineers to integrate AItechnology in the growing base of edge/gateway devices needed for powering applicationssuch as Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, industrial control, autonomousdriving and more.
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Billions ofIoT devices are being installed and connected in every corner of theworld. According to a study from IDC, 45percent of all data created by IoT devices will be stored, processed, analyzedand acted upon close to or at the edge of a network by 2020[1].
"A hybridcloud-based environment is essential to enable deep learning and algorithm optimization.Recent edge-computing innovations can equip algorithm-powered devices withcomplicated computation and storage capabilities to perform mission-criticalfunctions that are closer to the point of impact or where the users are. An integrated model of cloud and edge computing working handin hand allows us to optimize compute, storage and networking resources anddeliver best AI performance," said Dr.Yangdong Deng from TsinghuaUniversity in the panel discussion during Arrow Edge Computing Seminar. "Iam impressed by the discussion and collaboration between academies, industriesand businesses, and welcome further applications of AI research in real-lifeand commercial settings."
Powered byThundercommTurboX™ D845 SOM, the new AI kit supports various optimized AI algorithmsSDK, AI tools and AI cloud service based on Qualcomm AI Engine, running on coreheterogeneous architecture -- Qualcomm® Hexagon™ Vector Processor, Qualcomm®Adreno™ GPU and Qualcomm® Kryo™ CPU. The optimized AI algorithms in AI kit includeface recognition and object detection SDK. This will empower developers and manufactures to train and verifyalgorithms and create AI applications quickly. The AI kit was showcased during Arrow Edge ComputingSeminar today at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.
"In Internetof Things world, a centralized and cloud-based environment is likely to posechallenges such as network latency and cost, connectivity complexity, and powerconsumption. With this addition to ourbroad range of technology offerings, we can better assist our broad network ofengineers and device designers to architect an optimal intelligent system that canhandle speech recognition, computer vision, complex event/data processing featureson edge/gateway devices," said Jacky Wan, vice president ofengineering for Arrow's components business in the Asia-Pacific region.
"TurboX AI kit is a great tool for developersand manufacturers to help businesses. We are excited that TurboX is making itspresence in the market, thanks to our long-term partner. Arrow's engineering expertiseand broad customer network is key to enabling us to bring the power of on-deviceAI into the hands of engineers and developers," said Peng Cheng Zou, CTO of Thundersoft.
During the technical seminar andhands-on workshop hosted by Arrow at Hong Kong Science and Technology Park today,technology and engineering experts from Infineon Technologies AG, ON Semiconductor,Qualcomm Technologies, Thundersoft, and Arrow presented on the latest trendsabout AI development ecosystem and advanced radar and image-sensing technology applications for AI edge. Attendees also had a chance totake part in a hands-on workshop for a deep dive into Thundersoft's AIalgorithm and application development know-how.
About Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward forover 150,000 of the world's leading manufacturers of technology used in homes,business and daily life. With 2017 sales of $26.6 billion, Arrow aggregateselectronics and enterprise computing solutions for customers and suppliers inindustrial and commercial markets. The company maintains a network of more than345 locations serving over 80 countries. For more information visit www.arrow.com.