HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach -9 October 2018 - The RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) is entering a newera as Dave Hallam MRICS assumes duties as chair of its Hong Kong Board. Mr Hallambegins a three-year term at the helm amid a momentous moment for the historicorganisation, with 2018 marking the 150th anniversary of RICS globally.
A veteran surveyor and a valued member of RICS for two decades, Mr Hallambrings a wealth of experience to the key position in Hong Kong, where he hassat on the board since 2016.
"I'm honoured to be given this opportunity to represent RICS in what isa very exciting period in the development of Hong Kong," said Mr Hallam. "Ifirmly believe that our profession has a big role to play in shaping HongKong's future and I look forward to being part of this."
Mr Hallam assumed the key role of chair of the Hong Kong Board on 1 September.As chair, Mr Hallam will lead the chartered surveying community in Hong Kong,and promote RICS' ongoing goals of driving innovation, attracting tomorrow'stalents, collaborating with public bodies and promoting standards and diversityin the profession.
Holding more than 20 years' experience in the surveying profession, MrHallam is currently an Executive Director and Head of Business Advisory forArcadis Hong Kong and Macau, where he oversees the development and delivery ofthe Asset, Strategy & Performance and Business Assurance propositionsacross multiple clients and sectors.
Mr Hallam graduated from Liverpool John Moores University with a BSc inBuilding Surveying, achieving first class honours. Originally from the UK,after 14 years with international built asset consultancy firm EC Harris, herelocated to Hong Kong in 2010 to take up the role Operations Director for theoutsourced real estate wing of a major financial institution.
RICS also announces the appointment of five members to the Hong Kong Board:Ms Christine Chan MRICS, Director (Investment) of Link Asset ManagementLimited, Ms Shana Lam MRICS, Senior Director of Valuation & AdvisoryServices at CBRE Limited, Mr Fong Chung Lee MRICS, Senior ProjectManager of Architectural Services Department at the Hong Kong SAR Government, MrKam Chuen Li MRICS, General Manager/Administration of The University of HongKong - Shenzhen Hospital, and Mr Nigel Smith FRICS, Managing Director of Colliers International (Hong Kong) Limited.
About RICS
Confidence through Professional Standards
RICS promotes and enforces the highest professionalqualifications and standards in the development and management of land, realestate, construction and infrastructure.Our name promises the consistent delivery of standards -- bringing confidence tothe markets we serve.
We accredit 125,000professionals and any individual or firm registered with RICS is subject to ourquality assurance. Their expertise covers property, asset valuation, realestate management; the development of infrastructure; and the management ofnatural resources, such as mining, farms andwoodland. From environmental assessments and building controls to negotiatingland rights in an emerging economy; if our members are involved the sameprofessional standards and ethics apply.
We believe that standardsunderpin effective markets. With up toseventy per cent of the world's wealthbound up in land and real estate, our sector is vital to economic development,helping to support stable, sustainable investment and growth around the globe.
With offices covering the major political and financial centres of the world, our market presence meanswe are ideally placed to influence policy and embed professional standards. Wework at a cross-governmental level, delivering international standards thatwill support a safe and vibrant marketplace in land,real estate, construction andinfrastructure, for the benefit of all.
We are proud of ourreputation and work hard to protect it, so clients who work with an RICS professional can have confidence in thequality and ethics of the services they receive.