, honored the Chen Zhi Scholarship Batch 4 Interview Day as the guest of honor, joined by Mr. Gabriel Tan, Head of Prince Foundation (8th from the left), along with the foundation's management team and participating students.)

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 20 August 2018 - Beijing Gas Blue Sky HoldingsLimited ("the Company" or "Beijing GasBlue Sky", together with itssubsidiaries, the "Group", HKSE stock code: 6828) is pleased to announce a positiveprofit alert. The Company expects to record an increase in unaudited net profitfor the six months ended 30 June 2018 as compared to the net profit for thecorresponding period in 2017. Such increase was mainly attributable to theincrease in the revenue and gross profit from the natural gas business of theGroup; and the gain from bargaining purchase of equity interest in an associateduring the Period.
Mr. Tommy Cheng,Co-Chairman and Executive Director of the Group said that "The PRC government has imposed higher requirements for energy consumptionstructure and is keen on promoting the "coal to gas" policy, which result inrapid increase of natural gas demand. BGBS will continue to seize industryopportunities, as well as actively expand our business, in turns to maximizereturns to our shareholders and investors."
About Beijing Gas Blue Sky HoldingsLimited
Beijing Gas Blue Sky Holdings Limited ("Beijing Gas Blue Sky", HKSE stock code: 6828) isan integrated natural gas provider, distributor and operator, with an emphasison the midstream and downstream natural gas development. Our natural gasbusiness includes: (i) construction and operation of compressed natural gas("CNG") and liquefied natural gas ("LNG") refueling stations for vehicles; (ii)construction of natural gas pipelines and operation of city gas projects byproviding piped gas; (iii) direct supply of LNG to end-users; and (iv) tradingand distribution of CNG and LNG.
The Group has adapted to the "One BeltOne Road" policy, and focus on operating and investing natural gas business.The Group is actively expanding its business development and distribution, aswell as continues to gradually expanding the scale of operations. Currently,the Group has business presence in several provinces in Northeast China, EastChina, Central South China and Southwest China, including Liaoning Province, JilinProvince, Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, Anhui Province, ZhejiangProvince, Hubei Province, Guizhou Province, Sichuan Province and HainanProvince, etc. The Group is committed to its vision: "develop cleanenergy, enhance customer value, create a beautiful blue sky". In thefuture, it will continue to actively investing and developing natural gasbusiness, as well as participating in the development of natural gas industryvalue chain.