Assignment: Process Innovation Pilot for Closed-Loop Polyester Textile Recycling in Viet Nam
As a federally owned enterprise, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ provides advisory services to the Vietnamese Government in three priority areas: (1) Vocational training, (2) Environmental policy and sustainable use of natural resources, and (3) Energy. For further information, please visit www.giz.de/viet-nam.
The global programme “Go Circular” is commissioned by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to support the transition to a Circular Economy at global level and in the three partner countries: Colombia, Ghana, and Viet Nam. Go Circular works in three priority areas: i) Promoting innovation (technologies and business models), ii) Scaling up solutions and iii) Action in global alliances.
The Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) project, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), promotes the implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) in global supply chains in textile-garment and electronics sectors. It scales and harmonises approaches that allow for a comprehensive and joint implementation of due diligence. In this way, the IGS plans to enable buying and supplying companies to exercise shared responsibility for the impacts of their business practices on people and the planet. IGS is currently being implemented in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Serbia within the garment and textile and electronics sectors.
The global programme “Go Circular” and The Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) are implementing a joint activity for advancing textile circularity in Vietnam in the partnership with the private sector.
The objectives of this assignment:
Implement Direction 1 Optimising post-industrial textile waste management in Vietnam with the outreach to minimum 300 garment factories and implementation at minimum 50 factories.Realize the PET pathway in Work stream 2 Piloting textile-to-textile recycling: fiber-to-fiber PET with certain percentage of rich PET PI textile waste (ideally 20%, minimum 5%) and bring it back to textile supply chain. Demonstrate a sufficiently strong business case for upscaling production and to be shared to other enterprises.
Objectives A and B shall use the following instrument, but not limited to:
i. Facilitate for sorting at source driven by waste collector/recycler standards.
ii. Optimize other secondary raw material (other PI plastic waste)
iii. Mechanical recycling, process optimization
iv. Thermal-mechanical recycling, process optimization
v. Optimization (iii) and (iv) is for increasing percentage of textile waste (popcorn) used for conventional product and/or developing new (re-PET fiber) that can be used as material in textile supply chain (for spun yarn, padding materials)
Enrich and facilitate the implementation of Action Plan for worker’s decent working condition in the partnered stakeholders directly engaged in the project.
On behalf of the Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) and Go Circular project, the GIZ Office Hanoi is conducting a public tender to seek qualified National Consulting Firm(s) (here after called as NC) for the assignment as follows:
Tentative duration: 20th October 2023 to 31st March 2025Place of assignment: mainly in Hanoi, HCM, Can Tho and other provinces in VietnamNC’s number of working days: up to 784 working days for long term expert and up to 40 working days for short-term expert.
d. Requirements: The selected NC is expected to have extensive expertise in the field of sustainability in textile and garment and footwear & trading-related service (having at least 4 years working in areas of sustainability in textile and garment and footwear & trading-related service)
Interested NCs are requested to send the eligibility dossier in English only including
1. Letter of interest (with Director’s or authorised person’s signature and company stamp)
2. NC profile (incl. Business license (for firm) or Decision of establishment (for association), Tax code registration, organisational chart, summary of experience in for textile and garment sector)
3. Audited financial reports of the last 3 years. Important/key information in the audited financial reports or in annual tax reports must be translated into English if documents are in Vietnamese
4. Consortium agreement and nomination of consortium leading firm (if at least 02 entities join the assignment).
For your better preparation, receipt of Eligibility Assessment Sheet, Code of Conduct, Guidance on filetransfer and Regulation for bidders/contractors on consequences in case of submitting falsified information/documents, please send email request to Question-from-bidder-PoS-VN@giz.de before 22.08.2023.
NCs send Eligibility dossiers to VN_PoS_Quotation@giz.de latest by 17:00 (Hanoi time) on 05.09.2023 with email subject: “Tender 83444258: Eligibility dossier-Company name”
GIZ is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all bidding documents submitted.
Important notes:
1. Request of eligibility assessment to be sent to Question-from-bidder-PoS-VN@giz.de before 22.08.2023.
2. Eligibility assessment related questions to be sent to Question-from-bidder-PoS-VN@giz.de before 29.08.2023
3. Eligibility dossier to be sent to VN_PoS_Quotation@giz.de before 5 PM on 05.09.2023. Sending documents to wrong email address will lead to disqualification of the bidder.
4. For data protection and information security reason: In case the total volume of your bids is below 10 MB, you can attach them directly in the email sent to us. In case the total volume of your bids is above 10 MB, the files must be sent via GIZ filetransfer system. We will provide the guidance on how to use filetransfer to interested bidders. Files sent via other applications/systems such as google drive, dropbox…will not be accepted.
5. Only selected bidders will be contacted for receipt of tender dossier.