New Look Page, Old Look Tiger

April 30, 2017 - 09:00

Robert Bicknell finally has company on his page and he’s happy as hell about it. But he’s not happy that Tiger Woods doesn’t know when to leave the party…

Viet Nam News

By Robert Bicknell

Robert Bicknell finally has company on his page and he’s happy as hell about it. But he’s not happy that Tiger Woods doesn’t know when to leave the party…

Well, after 19 years, we finally have a new look to the Teed Off column page. Yes, we here in Viet Nam now have a full page devoted to golf. Apparently, the powers that be realized that there are other sports out there besides football, badminton and motor sports.

Yes, I am being sarcastic, but I am also quite thankful because the golf community here in Viet Nam has been growing steadily over the last 20 years and it’s about time we were recognized.

The page will include news and results from local/national tournaments, international events, so if you have an event and want to promote it, this is a good page. Afterwards, remember to email Viet Nam News the results so we can publish them. Heck, almost everyone loves to see their name in print.

So, on behalf of the Sunday Viet Nam News Sports Desk, we hope you enjoy the new looking page.

That’s the new look… the old look seems to be Tiger Woods having yet another back surgery and, again, wasting too much space in various magazines, newspapers and even this column. No matter how hard I try to ignore the guy, he simply will not go away.

The latest question is NOT if Tiger will return because, with the exception of his most fanatical fans, almost everyone has written him off completely. No, the latest question is if his latest problems and constantly delayed comeback will “tarnish his legacy”.

I have been saying Tiger will not come back for years and it’s seems that most everyone has finally come to that realization as well.

Right now, Tiger is like that old guy at the night club, trying to hang with the young kids and refusing to accept time passed him by. He still thinks he’s young and hot. He’s sadly mistaken and, like the old guy at the night club, he’s becoming the punch-line of many jokes. This is a real danger because it can tarnish his legacy. When people talk about Tiger Woods in 20 years, they’ll say he was the guy who didn’t know when to quit. They’ll talk about the scandal and how he never recovered from it.

And yes, his legacy will always have an asterisk next to it because of the scandal. That will never go away and will dog him until the end of time. His record will be “pre-scandal” and “post-scandal”.

Er, scratch that… there is no “post-scandal”. He hasn’t done jack since the scandal, except getting surgeries and more surgeries.

Athletes’ sticking around long past their sell-by date is nothing new.

Some are smart enough to recognize that the glory days are past and retire while people still remember them in their best light. There is nothing sadder than watching your hero slowly deteriorate.

I remember when Bobby Orr, arguably the greatest hockey player ever, tried to eke out a few more years by leaving the Boston Bruins for the Chicago Blackhawks… Big mistake. His knees were shot and he barely made it through half a season. Fortunately, he knew it was over and retired. No harm done. Boston, and most of the hockey world, still idolizes him. He remains a legend.

Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer of all time, had one fight too many and some say it brought on Parkinson’s disease, reducing a giant of a man to virtual silence. Luckily, Ali was bigger than life and still managed to stay beloved by all, and maybe even more so because of what he did after his fighting days were over.

Tiger doesn’t have that option. When his days of playing golf are behind him, all he has is his record and the scandal. He should stop trying to hang on to the limelight and move to the next phase of his life. He’s young, he’s richer than Midas. If designing golf courses is his future then get on with it. Strike while his name still means something.

Maybe he wants to start a youth programme in his own name, and with his own funding. That would also be a positive legacy. He has a lot to overcome and he might as well start now.

Tiger should heed the old saying: “Leave the party before it’s over.”

It’s over, Tiger. Call the taxi! - VNS




teed off
