Đồng Nai ensures fresh food, essential goods amid social distancing

July 09, 2021 - 15:44
Đồng Nai Province has ensured the supply of essential goods and fresh food during the social distancing period, Lê Văn Lộc, director of the province’s Department of Trade and Industry, announced on Friday.
Supermarkets in Đồng Nai Province are ensuring the supply of essential goods and fresh food during the social distancing period. File photo from baodongnai.com.vn  

ĐỒNG NAI — Đồng Nai Province has ensured the supply of essential goods and fresh food during the social distancing period, Lê Văn Lộc, director of the province’s Department of Trade and Industry, announced on Friday.

The province has carried out social distancing for two weeks under the Government’s Directive No 16 since Friday (July 9) amid the complex developments of the pandemic in the province and neighbouring HCM City and Bình Dương Province.

Lộc said: “Supermarkets and markets in the province are supplying enough essential goods and fresh food like pork, chicken, vegetables and fruits, so people should not panic and hoard goods. Crowds will affect pandemic prevention and control efforts.”

The department asked supermarkets to increase the supply of goods, especially food and essential goods, up to three to four times compared to normal days to meet people’s needs during social distancing days.

Nguyễn Thị Hoa, a 40-year-old resident in Đồng Nai Province, said: “After hearing about social distancing, I was calm because I have had a habit of stocking food for a week in recent years.”

“I totally agreed with the province’s decision on social distancing. It will help Đồng Nai stop transmission in the community soon,” she said.

Congestion at COVID-19 checkpoint

Đồng Nai saw congestion at the COVID-19 checkpoint on National Highway No 1 near Đồng Nai Bridge on Friday morning.

Thousands of people working and living in HCM City and Bình Dương Province decided to return to their hometowns in the province and neighbouring provinces like Bình Thuận and Lâm Đồng.

Most of them were allowed to continue their trip after providing COVID-negative certificates and completing health declarations, while people without certificates were asked to turn back.

However, many people were worried about the crowds at the declaration area because there was only one declaration machine for many people.

According to a police officer at the checkpoint, they were checking motorcyclists who were mostly from the two high-risk localities of HCM City and Bình Dương. As for trucks and passenger cars, almost 100 per cent of the drivers had negative test certificates.

The province on Friday morning locked down the endocrinology department of the Đồng Nai General Hospital after a doctor tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on July 8 after the hospital tested its staff.

As many as 45 patients, 44 caregivers, and 28 health officials are isolated at the department.

Since the fourth COVID wave, Đồng Nai has recorded 155 cases. Most of them are connected to cases at the Bình Điền, Thủ Đức and Hóc Môn wholesale markets in HCM City. — VNS
