Air quality improved in northern provinces

July 20, 2020 - 07:26
Air quality of northern provinces in April improved compared to the same period last year, according to the latest assessment by Việt Nam Environment Administration. 


Waste burning at a residential area in Hà Nội. Photo for illustration. — VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — Air quality of northern provinces in April improved compared to the same period last year, according to the latest assessment by Việt Nam Environment Administration. 

The study was developed based on results from 31 environmental monitoring stations in key economic areas and hot spots of pollution in the coastal province of Hà Tĩnh. 

At the time of monitoring, from April 10 to 25, it witnessed a high disparity of temperature and humidity within a day.

The average humidity was recorded quite high, ranging from 62.7 to 88.8 per cent, affecting the air quality. 

Dust pollution and noise pollution were in control. Total suspended dust (TSD) was on the downward trend in most of the industrial and residential areas. 

TSD values recorded at Hải Dương City’s Điện Biên Phủ Street, Quảng Ninh Province’s Cao Thắng Road and Hà Tĩnh Province’s Formosa Steel Plant were the same as last year. 

Meanwhile, 25 of 31 monitoring stations revealed noise pollution exceeding the standard applied for the period between 6am to 9pm. 

The noisiest area was Bắc Ninh Province’s Quế Võ Industrial Zone while the most silent was a residential area near Sơn Dương Port in Hà Tĩnh Province.

River pollution

Rivers in northern provinces are severely polluted, according to the administration's report released recently.

The worst pollution occurred in the Nhuệ, Đáy and Cầu river basins, according to the administration’s monitoring results at 185 stations in five river basins in northern provinces.

The main reason for the pollution was that the rivers have to receive domestic wastewater from Hà Nội and Thái Nguyên and Sông Công cities of Thái Nguyên Province, and wastewater from craft villages of Bắc Ninh Province.

At the time of observation in April this year, the water level of Nhuệ River was quite low. The worst polluted section was from Liên Mạc to Cự Đà sewers.

In the Đáy River in Hà Nội and Hà Nam Province, the water level was falling compared to the same period last year. The quality of water was so bad it could not be used for daily life.

On Châu Giang River in Hà Nam Province, the water quality was bad due to polluted water from Nhuệ Giang River and wastewater from Phủ Lý city.

Meanwhile, the water quality of Hoàng Long and Đào rivers in Nam Định Province were good enough for aquaculture and crop irrigation.

The water in Thái Bình, Đà, Lô, Mã and Chu rivers was clean enough to be used domestically or agriculturally, albeit with varying degrees of treatment, according to the report. — VNS

