New Zealand helps Vietnamese officials boost English skills ahead of ASEAN 2020 chairmanship

August 13, 2019 - 14:02
On Monday, the New Zealand Government launched a four-week English language training course for Vietnamese officials in preparation for the country’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2020.
The English training class with support from the New Zealand Government for Vietnamese officials in preparation for Việt Nam's chairmanship of ASEAN bloc in 2020. — Photo courtesy of the New Zealand Embassy in Việt Nam

HÀ NỘI — On Monday, the New Zealand Government launched a four-week English language training course for Vietnamese officials in preparation for the country’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2020.

The programme is intended to enhance the English language and intercultural communications skills of some 80 participants who will be directly involved in Việt Nam’s ASEAN Chair year.

The course will be delivered by New Zealand's Victoria University of Wellington and facilitated by the Diplomatic Academy of Việt Nam.

New Zealand Ambassador to Việt Nam Wendy Matthews said education is a key pillar in the two countries’ relationship.

“I am very pleased to be able to support Việt Nam’s ASEAN Chair year in this very practical way, and through this programme, New Zealand hopes to contribute to Việt Nam's successful Chairing of ASEAN in 2020," she said. "2020 will also be a special year in the bilateral relationship as New Zealand and Việt Nam will celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations."

Nguyễn Quốc Dũng, Deputy Minister of Việt Nam's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the training course would not only contribute to the preparation for Việt Nam’s ASEAN 2020 Chairmanship but also help enhance and deepen the co-operation between the two countries and two foreign ministries. — VNS
