The Vietnamese Government Office and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yesterday signed a Record of Discussion for a Project to Build Professional and Efficient State Operations for the Improvement of the Business Environment.

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Government Office, JICA cooperate in building e-Government

September 15, 2018 - 10:26

 The Vietnamese Government Office and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yesterday signed a Record of Discussion for a Project to Build Professional and Efficient State Operations for the Improvement of the Business Environment.

The Vietnamese Government Office and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yesterday signed a Record of Discussion for a Project to Build Professional and Efficient State Operations for the Improvement of the Business Environment.– VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất

HÀ NỘI – The Vietnamese Government Office and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yesterday signed a Record of Discussion for a Project to Build Professional and Efficient State Operations for the Improvement of the Business Environment.
Under the document, training courses in Việt Nam and Japan will be given to officials of the Government Office and relevant ministries and agencies while conferences and talks will be held in Việt Nam, with a focus on developing e-Government and bettering the business climate.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Minister and Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tiến Dũng thanked the Japanese Embassy in Vietnam and JICA for their effective coordination with Vietnamese agencies in general and the Government Office in particular.
From the beginning of the 2016-2021 tenure, the Government and the Prime Minister ordered the building of an action-oriented, development-enabling government of integrity in the service of people and businesses, with due attention paid to administrative reform and the improvement of the business climate to push economic growth and enhance local livelihoods, he said.
Laying stress on the Industry 4.0 trend, Dũng said that building e-Government is an overriding priority. The Prime Minister already set up the National Committee for e-Government, tasked with researching and proposing guidelines, strategies, mechanisms and policies to create a legal environment favourable for the development of an e-Government towards a digital economy.
As Japan has considerable experience in developing e-Government, the JICA-funded project will help Vietnamese officials enhance their capacity in the fields, he said, expressing his hope that JICA will continue cooperation with the Government Office to bolster socio-economic development, and contribute to the friendship and collaboration between the two countries.
JICA President Shinichi Kitaoka expressed his wish that the freshly signed record of discussion will play an important role in carrying out the building of an e-Government in Việt Nam.-VNS
