Landslides threaten lives of Bình Minh Town residents

March 29, 2018 - 10:43

Scores of households living along the Hậu River in Thành Phước Ward, Bình Minh Town, in the southern province of Vĩnh Long have faced the risk of landslides for years.

Locals use simple tools such as timber, sand bags and steel wires to limit the landslides. — VNA/VNS Photo Lê Thúy Hằng
Viet Nam News

VĨNH LONG — Scores of households living along the Hậu River in Thành Phước Ward, Bình Minh Town, in the southern province of Vĩnh Long have faced the risk of landslides for years.

The threat to residents’ lives has grown increasingly serious, according to the residents.

They said the ward has seen a number of landslides in the area, including one that was some 10m deep and 100m long on August 22 and 23 last year. The landslides razed two houses and damaged many others.

After the incident, local authorities moved residents to safer spaces and helped them resettle, but the landslides reoccurred.

The hazard has become more common since February, leaving deep potholes in the roads in its wake.

To limit these landslides, residents use simple tools such as timber, sandbags and steel wires.

Phạm Văn Nhàn, a resident, said funds to buy the tools were contributed by the residents, but after a few days, the road suffered more damage from landslides.

Chairman of the Bình Minh Town People’s Committee Nguyễn Văn Dân said the committee had allocated new living spaces for 31 households.

However, the landslides were becoming increasingly complicated to handle, so the committee instructed the Thành Phước Ward authorities to supervise and support the people.

If conditions worsen, the committee will let residents travel on another safe road and ask for guidance from the provincial authorities.

Dân said the town did not have the necessary funds to build a strong embankment in the area, so support from upper-level authorities is needed. — VNS
