Heavy rains cause inundation in Thái Nguyên

June 11, 2024 - 08:55
Local residents reported that the rains began around 7:00 pm on June 10, causing vehicles to stall on the roads as their engines were overwhelmed by floodwaters.
Motorcyclists were forced to dismount and push their vehicles through the inudated streets. — Photo laodong.vn

HÀ NỘI — Torrential rains from June 10 to 11 caused severe flooding in several cities in Thái Nguyên Province.

Phổ Yên City experienced a staggering 197.4mm of rainfall in twelve hours. Significant downpours were also observed in Sông Công and Thái Nguyên Cities, with some areas submerged under 20 to 40cm of water.

Local residents reported that the rains began around 7:00 pm on June 10, causing vehicles to stall on the roads as their engines were overwhelmed by floodwaters.

Authorities in Phổ Yên stated on June 11 that floodwaters had receded, with no landslides or other incidents reported in the city following the heavy rains.

However, Sông Công City was not quite as fortunate. While the rains have stopped, several areas remain flooded. Local authorities have deployed a team to assess the situation and monitor the affected areas.

Additionally, they have assigned personnel to barricade and guard high-risk dams to prevent trespassing. — VNS
