Southern provinces prepare to protect forests in dry season

February 18, 2023 - 08:35
Many southern provinces have arranged all-day patrols to prevent forest fires during the dry season.
A worker checks the notice board for forest fire forecasting in the U Minh Thượng Forest in Kiên Giang Province. — VNA/VNS Photo Lê Huy Hải

KIÊN GIANG — Many southern provinces have arranged all-day patrols to prevent forest fires during the dry season.

Trương Thanh Hảo, deputy director of the Kiên Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that water levels in U Minh Thượng, An Minh, Hòn Đất and Giang Thành indigo forests were stable, but forest managers still regularly check the forests’ moisture.

The province has prepared forces for forest fire prevention and control.

In Bạc Liêu Province, the provincial Bird Garden management board said that it was at warning level three (five is the highest).

The province assigned workers to be on duty all day to keep close watch on the weather and prepare water to extinguish any fires.

Cà Mau Province also has a plan to protect more than 8,000ha of forest.

Lê Thanh Dũng, deputy director of the U Minh Hạ National Park, said that the park’s workers regularly clear grass and set up notice boards in residential areas. — VNS

