First National Press Award for health launched

December 09, 2021 - 14:55
For the first time, the Ministry of Health and the Việt Nam Journalism Association jointly launched a National Press Award in the health sector, entitled “For the People’s Health”, in Hà Nội on December 12.


Photographers working at a blood donation festival in Hà Nội. — VNS/Photo Thanh Hải

HÀ NỘI — For the first time, the Ministry of Health and the Việt Nam Journalism Association jointly launched a National Press Award in the health sector, entitled “For the People’s Health”, in Hà Nội on December 12.

"Organising the National Press Award 'For the People's Health' is an opportunity to select excellent journalistic works of high quality, rich in creative ideas, with attractive content and forms of expression, truthfully and abundantly reflecting various fields of the medical sector,” said Deputy Minister of Health Đỗ Xuân Tuyên at the launching ceremony.

“The award will contribute to recognising and encouraging reporters with high-quality works that reflect the colourful picture and noble and humane activities of the health sector. Besides, it also creates the conditions for journalists to exchange professional experiences, contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of information and journalism activities in the health sector.” 

Standing Vice Chairman of the Việt Nam Journalists Association Hồ Quang Lợi believes that the award will draw the participation of professional and amateur reporters from all corners of the country.

The award is open for all Vietnamese citizens living and working at home and abroad, foreigners living and working in Việt Nam, professional journalists or collaborators of mass media organisations and press agencies.

Works submitted for the award are journalistic products in Vietnamese (or ethnic or foreign languages translated into Vietnamese) written in the medical field that are published and broadcast on mass media licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Works in five types of news, including print, radio, television, electronic media and photography, which are published or broadcast from June 15, 2021 to June 15, 2022, are eligible for the award.

The organising board will receive works published from now until the end of June 30, 2022. Participants can send works to the Professional Department of the Việt Nam Journalists Association at 59 Lý Thái Tổ Street, Hoàn Kiếm District, Hà Nội or the Department of Communication and Emulation and Reward of Ministry of Health at 138A Giảng Võ Street, Ba Đình District, Hà Nội. — VNS
