Vietnamese, Chinese presidents affirm importance of bilateral ties

November 18, 2022 - 16:35
Vietnamese President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc has had a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping on Friday on the sidelines of the ongoing Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in Bangkok.


Vietnamese President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc had talks with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping on Friday in Bangkok. — Photo from The World and Việt Nam Report (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

HÀ NỘI — Vietnamese President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc had a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping on Friday on the sidelines of the ongoing Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Bangkok.

In an atmosphere of openness, sincerity and friendship, the two leaders expressed their joy and appreciation for the progress witnessed in the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Việt Nam and China in recent times, especially the important results achieved during the recent official visit to China by Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (October 30 – November 1).

President Phúc conveyed the invitation of the Vietnamese senior leaders to General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping to soon visit Việt Nam.

President Phúc congratulated the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and expressed his belief that under the leadership of the CPC and General Secretary and President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people and the nation will successfully implement the goals set out by the congress.

The President affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State, and people always attach great importance to the consolidation and development of friendship and cooperation with the Chinese Party, State and People, considering this a top priority in Việt Nam’s foreign policy.

He also wishes to promote party-to-party relations and that bilateral ties will grow in a healthy, stable manner in the long term.

President Phúc suggested the two sides implement high-level common perceptions on major directions in cooperation areas, direct all levels and sectors of the two sides to implement the joint statement on continuing to promote and deepen the Việt Nam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership (issued in November 2022), strive to bring the two countries' relations to a new stage with solid and trusted political relations, effective substantive cooperation, with a solid foundation of friendship, and well-coordinated management of disagreements.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping affirmed that the Chinese Party, Government and People attach great importance to relations with Việt Nam and stands ready to make efforts together with the Party, State, and people of Việt Nam to strengthen this friendship and cooperation, elevating the two countries' relations to new heights in the new period. — VNS
