SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 18 January 2021 - (NASDAQ:AMZN) - Withonline purchases on the rise and more consumers becoming digital-first in theirshopping journey[1], Amazon is hosting its inaugural Southeast Asia Seller Summit to help small and medium-sized businesses(SMBs) across the region reach more customers worldwide. The Amazon Southeast Asia Online Seller Summit2021 will be held on January 28 and 29, 2021, 10am SGT onwards.
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Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Chan Chun Sing, willgrace the virtual event on January 28, 10am SGT as the Guest-of-Honour. He willbe joined by leaders of Amazon Singapore, industry experts, and local businessowners selling on Amazon.sg. With the focus on 'Start Local, Go Global', theSummit will discuss the impact of e-commerce trends and how local businessescan sell online with Amazon's 18 marketplaces to expand internationally.
The Amazon Southeast AsiaOnline Seller Summit 2021 will make online cross-border selling moreaccessible to SMBs and equip them with the insights and resources to addressrapidly evolving consumer demands and expectations. Sellers can learn about topproduct categories and how to grow their business online, with AmazonMerchandising and Brand Success Tools, while managing their logistics withFulfilment by Amazon (FBA). Additionally, the Summit will include 1:1 sessionswith third party service providers (logistics and payment companies) fromAmazon's Service Provider Network to share best practices for businesses tobounce back quicker from the impact of COVID-19 and expand their retailpresence. Furthermore, sellers can connect with one another and learn about theskills development programs offered by Amazon.
"Supporting small and medium-sized businesses has beena fundamental part of the work we do at Amazon and we are excited to continueexpanding our support for sellers in Singapore and Southeast Asia,"said Henry Low, Country Manager, Amazon Singapore. "I believethat everything big starts with something small. With our growing resources andsupport for local sellers here, we want to empower them to seize the hugeopportunities in selling online and across shores -- helping them start local,go global. As of today, we offer over 135 tools and services to help sellersworldwide manage their businesses. The Amazon Southeast Asia Online SellerSummit 2021 is another milestone for us to bring more sellers online, supporttheir growth journey, and connect them with customers everywhere."
In addition to industry and consumer insights, participatingSMBs can access professional training courses, 1:1 consultations, and programsto sell with Amazon. Local sellers on Amazon will also share their bestpractices and advice for SMBs. For instance, hear from Debbie Cai, founder ofRui Smiths, on how the hunger to build something of her own led her to quit herjob as a news editor in New York City and become an entrepreneur. Since 2014,Debbie has been able to sell internationally with Amazon, despite a limitedretail background, and grow Rui Smiths across twelve countries -- US, Canada,Mexico, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Netherlands, Singaporeand most recently, Sweden.
"My fellow seller ambassadors and the other sellers Ihave met through Amazon have been invaluable as a support network for me and mybusiness. Some of the tips and insights we exchanged have affirmed my knowledgethat we are all on the right track. I am looking forward to launching newproducts this year while widening my distribution circle internationally, byleveraging Amazon's reach and tools. At the Amazon Southeast Asia Online SellerSummit 2021, I hope to share some of these learnings and experiences that havebeen fundamental to the success of my business," said Debbie Cai,founder, Rui Smiths.
For a more hands-on guide to selling on Amazon, participantscan join the workshop sessions hosted by Amazon on Day 2, January 29, 2021,between 10am and 5pm SGT.
For more information and event registration, pleasevisit: https://amzn.to/SGOSS-signup
[1] EuromonitorInternational. https://go.euromonitor.com/white-paper-dc-200922-digital-consumer-journey.html
Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsessionrather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operationalexcellence, and long-term thinking. Customer reviews, personalizedrecommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, and Kindle are some of theproducts and services pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit Amazon.sg.