SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 14 December2020 - Organizations have made significant changes to operations as a result ofCOVID-19 mandates and measures. One such shift included SonicWall Boundless2020, a global virtual event held in November that empowered the company'sglobal community of partners and resellers as they look toward new challengesand opportunities in 2021. The biggest virtual event in SonicWall history, Boundless 2020 posteda company record of more than 6,100 global registrants and a 135% increase inattendance over SonicWall's previous high-mark partner event.
"Wewitnessed record numbers of partners attend this global event, a sign that ourloyal partner community is seeing the company's momentum and are eager toleverage our latest cybersecurity technology to protect their customersoperating in the new business normal," said SonicWall SVP, Chief RevenueOfficer Bob Vankirk. "Education and access to the latest SonicWall product andsolution information are crucial elements to the success of our partners, andat this year's event they were some of our top priorities."
Boundless2020 is the largest ever SonicWall global partner event, where attendees get toselect the most applicable, interesting, or informative session to suit theirneeds, to help meet future goals. Diamond sponsors ADT Cybersecurity, Ingram Micro and Infinigate, as well as Goldsponsors ADN, The Channel Company, Exertis, Perimeter 81 and Tech Data, helpedsuccessfully unite SonicWall's global partner community.
"Virtualevents provide a unique opportunity to directly reach massive amounts of teammembers that are crucial in today's battle to secure dispersed workforces thatcurrently present cybercriminals with countless opportunities to launchcyberattacks," said Infinigate Vice President Patric Berger. "Open dialogue,the exchange of new ideas and sharing of information is imperative in thecybersecurity industry, as threats constantly change and technology continuesto develop. Boundless 2020 provides that platform and connection at a time whenit is needed most."
Thefirst day of Boundless 2020 included keynotes from company leadership,including SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner and Chief Operating OfficerAtul Dhablania. The day's agenda also featured celebrity keynote speaker Col.Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian commander of the International SpaceStation; security analyst, author, researcher and friendly hacker KerenElazari; an engaging partner-focused panel; plus a range of product and salesbreakouts.
Boundless2020 also included important sales and customer-focused topics, highlighted bya keynote session by SonicWall Chief Revenue Officer Bob VanKirk. Additionalguests included cybersecurity icon Bruce Schneier; award-winning author andsecurity expert John Sileo; and a compelling CXO roundtable that explored thechanging security perimeter.
"Asa Gold sponsor of Boundless 2020, it was a privilege for us to help host anevent that was both engaging and accessible for all the attendees. We are veryproud of our partnership with SonicWall and enjoyed sharing our SASE visionwith the event participants," said Perimeter 81 CEO and Co-founder AmitBareket.
Boundless2020 attendees received more than 20 hours of exclusive content and got to hearfrom over 30 speakers and presenters. On the third and final day of the event,regional breakouts also allowed hundreds of attendees to hear from experts intheir local languages of English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, andSpanish.
"Boundless2020 has been very well received by our partners and participants. Although wewere not able to unite in person due to the pandemic, the event has certainlybrought about a new frontier in the industry." said Debasish Mukherjee, VicePresident, APAC Sales. "Cyber threats remain a global problem and SonicWall iscommitted to strengthening our research and innovation capabilities. We arealso looking to continuously build a community of partners through our SecureFirstPartner Program that combines the best in global and regional perspectives onthe topic of cybersecurity." he continued.
Createdin 2016, the award-winning SonicWall SecureFirst Partner Program now includesover 20,500 partners worldwide. In addition to receiving real-time cyber threatintelligence, program participants also receive education regarding today'sthreats and the SonicWall solutions that address them through SonicWallUniversity. Since its inception, the program has administered 696,953successful exams and more than 348,477 hours of training, with over 528,000exams completed by partners.
To learn more aboutbecoming a SonicWall SecureFirst partner, please visit sonicwall.com/partners.