HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 20 October 2020 - BartraWealth Advisors ('Bartra'), a subsidiary of Ireland's market leading real estatedeveloper Bartra Capital Limited, offers its immigration consultancyservice in Hong Kong, making it the first Irish property developer to establisha base in Hong Kong. Bartra provides direct access for clients and investors toinvest in its "IIPproperty-related projects" in Ireland as a means to obtain Irish residency. Itsservice forgoes the need for an intermediary, enabling clients to emigrate inone simple step.
Intention to emigrate among the people of Hong Kong has spiked in recentyears. According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute ofAsia-Pacific Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in September 2019,42% of the respondents indicated that they would emigrate if given the chance.Ireland is fast becoming one of the popular choices for Hong Kong emigrants tosettle. As the only English-speaking member of the European Union, Ireland is agateway to both the UK and European countries, and enjoys one of the lowestcorporate tax rates in Europe, increasing its appeal as a regional business hubfor multinational corporations.
As a subsidiary of the most successful real estate developer in Ireland,Bartra distinguishes itself from other immigration agencies in Hong Kong byproviding a direct route for clients to invest in property projects in Irelandwithout an intermediary. Armed with an on-the-ground team in Ireland in possessionof a wealth of local knowledge, Bartra offers advice about the living, working,and schooling conditions in Ireland as well as landing support to ensure asmooth and well-prepared emigration process for its clients.
For Hong Kong clients intending to obtain permanent residency in Ireland,Bartra delivers a one-step immigration service through investments in projectsqualifying Ireland's Immigrant Investment Programme (IIP) and approved by theIrish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, including social housing andnursing home projects.
Mr. James Hartshorn, CEO and Co-Founder ofBartra Wealth Advisors, said, "Ireland has become an emerging emigrationdestination for the Hong Kong people in recent years. With our solidreputation, proven track record, and direct access to property investments inIreland, Bartra commands unrivalled creditability in Irish immigrationconsultancy service. Our presence in Hong Kong is the perfect showcase of ourexpertise. It enables us to better serve the needs of our clients here andfacilitate their emigration journey. We looking forward to giving ease toindividuals and families in Hong Kong in their relocation to Ireland."
Bartra Wealth Advisors (Bartra) is a subsidiary company of Ireland's mostsuccessful real estate developer Bartra Capital Limited, specialising inproviding independent Irish immigration investment advisory services. With thewell-established business, extensive Irish immigration experience, expertise inthe investment field, professional landing teams and strong business networksupport, Bartra Group has successfully carried out a significant amount ofsocial housing and nursing home IIP (Immigrant Investor Programme) projects andit has helped hundreds of families successfully immigrate to Ireland.
Bartra Wealth Advisors prides itself on delivering streamlined, in-group,end-to-end services. Its unique business model supports clients throughouttheir investment and immigration journey, from immigration advisory andgovernment backed IIP projects through to exit executions. It maintains a 100%application approval rate and a 100% renewal rate.
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