HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 30September 2020 - CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd.("CIFI" or the "Group", HKEx stock code: 884), a leadingreal estate developer and investor in first-, second- and robust third-tiercities in China, is pleased that the world's largest index company MSCI Inc. hasupgraded CIFI's ESG (environmental,social and governance practice) rating to 'BB' from 'B' for its outstandingperformance in product safety and quality control and improvement in riskmanagement. The move is a recognition of the Group's achievements in its ESGpractice.
MSCI's ESG rating report on CIFI statesthat the Group has raised the standard of its management of overall ESG riskssignificantly because it has adopted health and safety policy and programs,ethical conduct programs, and green initiatives.
Mr. Lin Zhong, Chairman of CIFI, said"We welcome the upgrade of our ESG rating by MSCI. The move is the capitalmarket's recognition of CIFI's ESG achievements. Looking ahead, CIFI willcontinue to fulfill its responsibilities in the ESG. Specifically, it aims toalign its environmental practices with the international standards. The Groupcontinues adoption of the national environmental and health standards in its greenconstruction. CIFI aspires to become a model enterprise in ESG practice,especially for the property sector. It will step up its efforts in environmentalprotection, fulfilment of social responsibility and corporate governance. Allthis is aimed at developing itself into a long-lasting company forsustainability."
The MSCI index is the most commonbenchmark index used by portfolio managers around the world, and its ESG ratingresults have become an essential basis for investment decisions by majorinvestment institutions. MSCI ESG Ratings are mainly based on such publicinformation as corporate ESG reports, websites, and news releases. It evaluatesthe company's sustainability performance from the perspective of ESG, assessesthe ESG risks faced by the companies, and identifies opportunities for thecompany's core business and ESG issues about which the industry is concerned.MSCI ESG Ratings is based on the comparison of the weighted average scores of thecompanies of the same industry in the world regarding their performances invarious criteria. The companies are rated on a scale of seven ratings from thehighest of "AAA" to the lowest of "CCC".
Headquartered in Shanghai,CIFI is one of China's top real estate developers. CIFI principally focuses ondeveloping high-quality properties in first-, second- and select third-tiercities in China. CIFI develops various types of properties, includingresidential buildings, offices and commercial complexes.
To learn more about theCompany, please visit CIFI's website at: https://www.cifi.com.cn