HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 26 August 2020 - Kerry Logistics NetworkLimited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) has been conferred the titles ofthe Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards (the 'Awards') forthe fourth consecutive year, winning the "2020 Asia-Pacific Logistics ServicesProvider of the Year Award" and the "2020 Asia-Pacific Road TransportationServices Provider of the Year Award". The Awards were presented last night in avirtual ceremony.
Organised annually by globalbusiness consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, the Awards recognise outstandingachievements in the Asia Pacific covering various sectors. The recipients areselected through a rigorous measurement-based methodology that encompassesindustry trends analysis and research interviews, according to parameters includingrevenue growth, market share in specific category and growth in market share,demonstrated leadership in new product introduction and innovation, breadth ofproducts and solutions, major customer acquisitions, subscribers and growth insubscriber base and business/market strategy.
William Ma, Group ManagingDirector of Kerry Logistics, said, "We are thankful to the organiser forrecognising our dedication and achievements over the years. The accolades are atestament to our commitment to industry best practices and our strengths as oneof the very few Asia-based global logistics companies. While the globaleconomic outlook is overcast by uncertainties, we are confident that we willleverage our extensive geographical coverage, solid presence in various marketsand diversified business segments to continue serving our customers well."
Kerry Logistics Network is an Asia-based,global 3PL with a highly diversified business portfolio and the strongestcoverage in Asia. It offers a broad range of supply chain solutions fromintegrated logistics, international freight forwarding (air, ocean, road, railand multimodal), industrial project logistics, to cross-border e-commerce,last-mile fulfilment and infrastructure investment.
With a global presence across 58 countries,Kerry Logistics Network has established a solid foothold in half of the world'semerging markets. Its diverse infrastructure, extensive coverage ininternational gateways and local expertise span across China, India, SoutheastAsia, the CIS, Middle East, LATAM and other locations.
Kerry Logistics Network generated a revenueof over HK$40 billion in 2019 and is the largest international logisticscompany listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
The Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awardshave identified and honoured best-in-class companies that have demonstratedexcellence in their respective industries. Award recipients were identifiedbased on in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary researchconducted by Frost & Sullivan's analysts. Companies are typically studiedon their revenues, market share, capabilities, and overall contribution to theindustry in order to identify best practices.