HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 25 June 2020 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is pummelling the local economy deeperinto recession. With the unemployment rate hitting a 15-year high, many grass-rootscitizens have seen their income significantly reduced, which is profoundlyaffecting their livelihoods. This year in the approach to Tuen Ng Festival, Chinachem Group (theGroup) is co-operatingwith the Foodlink Foundation to distribute2,500 food packs through 11 non-profit organisations. The food packs will be sent to people inneed in the Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing and Tung Chung areas, accompanied by Tuen Ng Festivalgreetings.
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Chinachem's Volunteer Team visited one of the non-profitorganizations to deliver the food packs in person to 100 Tsuen Wan residents on24 June. The rest of the food packs will be distributed to the needy throughthe partnering non-profit organisations next month.
Wong Hung Han, Chief Operating Officer of Chinachem Group said, "TheGroup has an enduring commitment to corporate social responsibility; it hasbeen paying close attention to the progress of the epidemic as well as theneeds of citizens. Having earlier donated 200,000 masks to the community, wehave launched another round of support inco-operation with the Foodlink Foundation to deliver HK$500,000 worth of foodpacks to vulnerable citizens, in an effort to combat the impact of the coronaviruspandemic alongside them."
Fulfillingits commitment to make a positive impact on the community and create sharedvalue, the Group has also launched an internal food donation programme, settingup a canned and dried food collection point at its head office to encourage staff members to participate in thismeaningful event and disseminate the message of sharing with the needy.
Chinachem Group is a leading property developerbased in Hong Kong, with a real estate pedigree dating back to the 1960s.Today, we develop residential, commercial, retail and industrial properties,and own and manage hotels.
We uphold integrity, accountability,teamwork, innovation, harmony and win-win as the values that drive ouroperations and benefit our stakeholders, ultimately bringing positive change toour communities.
We are forward thinking in embracing newways to work, through organisational change and digital transformation, as weforge ahead into our next century of success.