SINGAPORE - Media OutReach -7th November 2019 - Gelam Gallery Alive, organized by Colorinc PteLtd and supported by Singapore Tourism Board, is a lively arts and craft marketwith numerous performances. This event will be held at the recently openedfirst ever outdoor art gallery Gelam Gallery @ Muscat Street over 2 weekends inNovember, 16-17 November and 23-24 November 2019. The opening hours are 4pm to10pm. Free entrance.
Visitors can visit this unique gallery and at the same time participatein the various art and craft demos like dried flowers arrangements, the art ofmacramé, hand-painted bags, silkscreen painting on bags, scarves, accessories,crochet dolls and clay art, etc... Forperformances, be entertained by the juggling and mime artists, dancers andother performing artists throughout the 2 weekends.
The Singapore Wellness Association will also be joining us with itsLovestreets program. Since 2017, Lovestreets has popped up at multiplefestivals inviting passers-by to express their feelings, wishes and talents onthe Love canopy. This will be the same on 16, 17 and 24 November. On 23November only, dating or married couples are invited to bring a little momentoor photo to Gelam Gallery Alive from 7-10pm to make and decorate little timecapsules for themselves to be hung up and lit on the Love canopy. For those whoregister at the Lovestreets website, your time capsules will be collected andkept for 10 years and opened at a special party on 14 February 2029.
This event is also supported by Singtel Dash.
An all-in-one mobile wallet, Singtel Dash enables you to make safe andeasy payments wherever you go -- be it in-store or online, locally or globally.Download Dash from Apple App Store or Google Play Store to shop, dine, commuteand send money with your mobile phone.
For more information on Dash, please visit www.dash.com.sg
Visitor Information:
The entrance to the Gelam Gallery is located at the two Muscat Street,perpendicular to Baghdad Street, Singapore. For more information, please visit https://www.theadmin.sg/gelam-gallery-alive