PHOENIX - Media OutReach - 25 July 2019 - Avnet (Nasdaq: AVT) todayannounced that Hackster.io and element14 continueto achieve impressive growth, and have achieved two milestones: Hackster hassurpassed one million members and element14 celebrated its 10thanniversary. Together Hackster and element14 comprise the world's largestcollaborative network of engineers, entrepreneurs and developers who learn byengaging each other on ideas, new products, discussion groups and other usefulonline resources.
"Whileproduct development can be complex, time consuming and highly competitive, thecollaboration and strong partnerships found in our communities can help anyonenavigate the path to production," said Bill Amelio, Chief Executive Officer,Avnet. "Hackster's large and vibrant community and the proven and reliableindustry network of element14 are at the heart of our end-to-end ecosystem, andkey to our ability to truly help anyone take an idea from the back of a napkinand turn it into a full-fledged product."
Hackster,Avnet's project-based community for anyone who wants to learn about buildinghardware and programming, membership has grown 10-fold since 2016. "Hackster'sgrowth can be attributed to our two core values: information and education,"said Adam Benzion, cofounder and CEO at Hackster.io. "With Avnet's support, wehave accelerated our outreach to more people in more places and offered betterlearning tools for hardware creation. And, as interest in advanced technologieslike artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain continues togrow, we're seeing the emergence of even more exciting ideas and projects inour community."
Celebratingits 10th anniversary this summer, element14 is a discussion-basedcommunity comprised of more than 650,000 members that connects engineers acrossthe globe to solve each other's technical and design challenges, and is one ofthe longest running networks of its kind in the electronics industry. "Duringthe past 10 years, we've cultivated a lasting, active and valuable communityfor engineers and entrepreneurs," said Dianne Kibbey, Global Head of Communityand Social Media for element14. "Statistics show that only 1 in 10 communitiesmake it beyond their first three years, but element14 is still thriving todaybecause we're staying focused on collaborating with our members to provide theresources and programs they need to increase their knowledge of new technology andbring their projects to life."
Bydelivering design, product, marketing and supply chain expertise, Avnet helpscompanies reduce the time, cost and complexities of bringing products tomarket. To learn more about Avnet, visit Avnet.com.
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Avnet is a global technologysolutions provider with an extensive ecosystem delivering design, product, marketingand supply chain expertise for customers at every stage of the productlifecycle. We transform ideas into intelligent solutions, reducing the time,cost and complexities of bringing products to market. For nearly a century,Avnet has helped its customers and suppliers around the world realize thetransformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnet at www.avnet.com.