Image 1. Huawei users all over Singapore weredelighted with their free drink from local tea chain Partea.
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - July8, 2019 - Customers were all smiles over the weekend as Huawei threw anisland-wide drink giveaway with local tea brand, Partea. The company also providedcomplimentary phone servicing for all during its monthly Service Day whichreceived a resounding turn out.
Last Wednesday, Huawei announced that it was giving away freedrinks from Partea to thank its customers for their continued support. Thegesture comes on the back of recent global events and the company is determinedto provide exceptional customer experiences to show its appreciation for itsloyal supporters. Recognising Singaporeans' love for bubble tea, Huawei is offeringthis exclusive promotion with Partea for another weekend from July 12 -- 14,2019.* In an effort to accommodate all Huawei users in Singapore to enjoy thisoffer, the two companies have agreed to serve as many cups as possible withinthe timeframe of 11am -- 2 pm.
Image 2. Lines startedto form at 10.30am outside a Partea store ahead of its opening at 11am inSuntec City Mall and Century Square.
Armed with Huaweismartphones, close to a hundred people were in line by noon on Friday to redeemtheir free drink at the Partea outlet in Suntec City Mall.
Image 3. Customers inline holding their Huawei phone up and proud while waiting to order a drink oftheir choice.
Image 4. Customers who show their Huawei phone over thecounter will be able to enjoy any drink of their choice from the Partea menu.
Image5. Ms. Chua Mei Yee and her friend Siti are proud to be using a Huawei phonefor its camera performance.
Waitingin line was Ms. Chua Mei Yee, age 25, who expressed her delight at thepromotion. "I'm really happy with this offer by Huawei and Partea. Itmakes me feel valued as a customer and I hope that Huawei will continue thistrend. I've been using my P20 Pro for some time now and because of the photoquality, I've become the designated photographer amongst my friends."
Image6. Mr. Kai Loon and his co-worker, Mr. Tian, are both Huawei users for morethan a year.
The move by Huawei andPartea had customers smiling from ear to ear, including Mr. Kai Loon, age 41,and his co-worker Mr. Tian, age 44. "There's excitement among everyone. It's notoften that you get such a freebie from a big company to a customer and it isgood move to make customers feel appreciated," said Mr. Kai Loon.
Image7. Customers queuing up at OUE Downtown Gallery.
Another Partea outletsituated at OUE Downtown Gallery was teeming with buzz as scores of people wereeagerly waiting to claim their cup of tea.
Image 8. Mr. Geraint Goh made the switch to aHuawei phone last year and has been a proud user since.
Undaunted by the snaking queue, Mr. Geraint Goh,age 31, said that: "It's worth the wait, it didn't take long either as thestaff were very efficient in taking the orders. I'm really glad that Huaweicame up with this offer for its customers, I think it's an excellent move and alot of people will definitely appreciate this."
"Huawei is a good brand and I'm not worriedabout whatever situation that it is in now as I know it has a strong technologybacking to support its phones. It has been doing better every year so I amconfident that the brand will continue to exceed people's expectations," addedMr. Goh, when asked on his thoughts about the brand.
Xu Chengfei, ManagingDirector of Huawei Consumer Business Group Singapore said: "We are immenselygrateful for the support that we have received from our customers and partnersin Singapore. We would not come this far without their support; and as a showof our appreciation, we partnered with Partea to offer a premium selection of teasto our loyal fans. The turnout has been incredible and it's great to see howhappy it makes everyone."
"We also want to makespecial thanks to Partea for their generous support in extending this promotionfor our Huawei users in Singapore. Partea has been an established home-growntea joint for two years and we are proud to be working with a brand that setsitself apart from others and shares a mutual commitment with us in deliveringmeaningful experiences for our customers."
The founders of Partea,Eva Liu and Alex Xiang also commented that: "We are thrilled to be partneringwith Huawei on this exciting offer for its customers here in Singapore. Huaweihas been leading the technology industry for the past few years and we believethat the brand is here to stay. The collaboration is timely and Partea is hereto celebrate this special occasion and moments with our customers."
The giveaway with Parteawill continue this weekend from July 12 -14, 11am -- 2pm for anyone who showstheir Huawei phone and registers as a Partea member on the spot. There are atotal of six participating Partea outlets that are located across the island,full list available here, terms and conditionsapply.
Image 9. Customers were alsogiven complimentary phone servicing including free screen protector applicationand phone sanitizing last weekend.
In the same weekend,Huawei held its fourth customer Service Day of the year that takesplace every first weekend of the month. Crowds abound at the Huawei servicecentres at 313@somerset and Westgate mall to receive a complimentary screenprotector application and phone sanitizing service. Those with out-of-warrantydevices were also able to enjoy this service. Customers with a Huawei phone canlook forward to the next Service Day on August 3 -- 4, 2019.
Notes toeditors:
Partea, Singapore's 1sthome grown fruit tea brand, sets out to deliver a healthier beverage optionusing fresh fruits and premium tea leaves. Our Signature Rainbow Tea seriescombines the health benefits of popular Chinese teas with the natural goodnessof freshly cut fruits. Truly a premium tea, every leaf is hand-picked, andbrewed to perfection with the touch of freshest fruits, creating a symphony offlavours. Every sip is an endless sensation of joy and celebration. For moreinformation, please visit https://partea.com.sg/.
Huawei's products and services are available inmore than 170 countries, and are used by a third of the world's population.Sixteen R&D centers have been set up in the United States, Germany, Sweden,Russia, India and China. Huawei Consumer BG is one of Huawei's three businessunits and covers smartphones, PC and tablets, wearables and cloud services,etc. Huawei's global network is built on almost 30 years of expertise in thetelecom industry and is dedicated to delivering the latest technological advancesto consumers around the world.
For more information please visit: https://consumer.huawei.com/sg/ or find us @huaweimobilesg on social media.