, honored the Chen Zhi Scholarship Batch 4 Interview Day as the guest of honor, joined by Mr. Gabriel Tan, Head of Prince Foundation (8th from the left), along with the foundation's management team and participating students.)

TAIPEI,TAIWAN - Media OutReach -4 June 2019 - The 2019 InnoVEX took place at Taipei, Taiwan from 29thto 31st May 2019 organized by the Taipei Computer Association (TCA)and TAITRA. The event not only offered professionals from 25 countries /location an extravaganza of 467 international tech startups but also packedwith pitch contests, matchmaking, demos and forums.
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The AsiaSilicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA) Startup Ecosystem was one of the manyexciting sessions during InnoVEX which was dedicated to those who areinterested in expanding their startups in locations such as Japan, Singapore,France and US. The session invited high profile speakers such as Masashi Sato --Senior Manager of Nomura Research Institute, Jeff Karp -- Professor of HarvardUniversity, Laurent Le Guyader -- Community Lead & Member of the board atFrench Tech Taiwan, Dave Ng -- Head of South East Asia of Eight Roads Venturesfor a keynote before joining at a panel session which was moderated by DavidWeng -- General Manager of Taiwania Capital Management Corporation.
A Thorough Market Research is Imperativefor the Japanese Market
MasashiSato mentioned in his keynote that the market in Japan is particularlysensitive and thus requires the startups to thoroughly identify market trends.Japan is currently facing a declining birthrate which resulted in a sharpdecrease on workforces in almost all sectors. This imminent development causesconcerns for government and enterprises but also provides opportunities inhealthcare, automation and related applications for tech-startups. Mr. Satofurther mentioned that there is a shortage of private venture capitalists butan abundance of CVC (corporate venture capitals), he reminded the attending startupsto actively engage with CVCs as they are formed by industry leaders; many ofthem seek innovative technologies and ideas.
Southeast Asia Opportunities Require Localization
DaveNg, being the Head of Southeast Asia at Eight Roads Ventures who is also one ofthe earlier investors of Alibaba provides insights of the huge potential andopportunities for all tech-startups in the Southeast Asia region. His main pointis that Southeast Asia offers a population of 650 million people with a growingincome rate.
Thoughthe mass of opportunities is great, it also comes with a risk. The technologyleap for Southeast Asia is tremendous. Most of the population is fortunateenough to have their first ever internet experience through a smartphone, whereasfor some other areas of the world it is a progressive step that took over adecade. However, due to the unbalance of infrastructures, banking services asnormal as ATM would not be feasible or realistic for the Southeast Asia region.
Mr. Ngfurther stated that as there are about 10 countries in the Southeast Asia region,tech startups would have to adapt to at least 10 cultures and 10 governments aseach of them have a different characteristic. Therefore, localization is vitallyimportant.
France: A Fusion of Culture and High Tech
Dr.Laurent Le Guyadar of La French Tech Taiwan pointed out the many opportunitiesthat exist when Taiwan and France collaborate with each other. From hisperspective, "La French Tech" is one of the main support mechanismsand tools used by France to promote the development of emerging technologies.This achievement is the result of a long work in Taiwan done by French privateenterprises, French institutions, and the efforts of many individuals.
Thegoal of "La French Tech Taiwan" is to significantly increase thenumber of startup acceleration programs and incubation programs fostering newinitiatives towards the development of France and Taiwan in terms of innovationand new technologies, to promote the attractiveness of France to Taiwanesestartups.