SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 25 April 2019 - REBEL FightingChampionship (FC), a dynamic Asian Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sportsentertainment company headquartered in Singapore, further cements its presencein Asia by joining forces with Reddentes Sports, a Singapore-based sportsmarketing agency, to promote and broadcast REBEL FC in Asia. This partnership willenable REBEL FC to expand its reach into six key markets in Asia -- ChineseTaipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand, in additionto REBEL FC's already vast digital and TV audiences in China.
Reddentes Sports iswell-known for its involvement in media distribution and strategy developmentfor World Bowling, the global governing body for nine- and ten-pin bowling andbeing holder of media rights for Coppa Italia, Italy's premier cup competition,as well as England's prestigious Carabao Cup and the English LeagueChampionships, the highest division of the English Football League after thePremier League.
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"Reddentes Sportsare always looking to work with partners to bring more exciting sports to theAsian audience and we are thrilled to be collaborating with Rebel FC, who havea proven track record of putting on one of the best MMA events in the business.We would like to thank Justin Leong (REBEL FC CEO) and the team for puttingtheir faith in Reddentes and we look forward to securing as many broadcastopportunities to grow Rebel FC MMA in the region," said Mark Chew, ReddentesSports Managing Director.
"We are excited to establishthis partnership with Reddentes to bring live REBEL FC MMA shows to fans allover Asia, which will extend our last events' viewership numbers from averageof 13 million to new heights. We're looking to further develop the sport inAsia and scout for top-athletes to represent their region and showcase theirMartial Arts skills in our upcoming events that are soon to be announced," saidJustin Leong, REBEL FC CEO.
REBEL FightingChampionship is a dynamic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) entertainment company,committed to bringing exciting and engaging MMA entertainment to our customersin Asia and internationally. We are focused on pursuing the highest standardsof excellence in our live event production, MMA talent development andpromoting awareness of MMA. Founded in May 2013 and headquartered in Singapore,the company comprises a group of vibrant and creative professionals withdiverse backgrounds in production, marketing, business development, eventmanagement, public relations and MMA matchmaking.
AboutReddentes Sports
ReddentesSports is a agency that delivers smart and impactful solutions in sports. Ourservices include media rights consulting, commercial sports development, eventconsulting, project management, ESports event management, organizationalconsultancy for sports associations, athlete career pathway management andmarketing consultancy. With Mark Chew and Yip Ren Kai at the helm, our goal isto provide services and value to transform organisations, businesses andcommunities by achieving their objectives through sports.