HONG KONG , CHINA - Media OutReach -1st March, 2019 - Over400 delegates from the region's leading financial organisations will discusshow digital assets are breaking into the mainstream at the HashKeyInternational Digital Asset Summit 2019 (HIDA2019) on 21st March,2019. Prominent banking experts, asset managers, technology firms, familyoffices, hedge funds, venture capital firms, financial regulators and industryassociations will join the summit at The Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong, co-hostedby HashKey Group and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, and supported by Cyberport, DBS,Fintech Association of Hong Kong and ZhongAn International.
With the theme,"Digital Assets: From Frontier to Mainstream", the Summit will help to educateinstitutional investors about this new asset class, including the trends,challenges and opportunities for blockchain-based applications and digitalassets to create real world value. Delegates will hear from experts from HongKong, Singapore, Tokyo and Seoul including senior executives of HashKey Group, WanxiangBlockchain Labs, DBS, Fintech Association of Hong Kong, ZhongAn International,InvestHK, Monetary Authority of Singapore, PwC, Sidley Austin LLP and King& Wood Mallesons.
Panelists andspeakers will also discuss the adoption of blockchain technology by financialinstitutions, including JP Morgan's recent implementation of the JPM Coin,which represents yet another important milestone in blockchain technology goingmainstream.
"We arewitnessing the maturing of the blockchain technology, and there are now newreal-life use cases and innovations being implemented by mainstream businessesevery week. As Hong Kong moves forward with its plans to be an importantinternational fintech and blockchain hub, we are delighted to hold the summitin Hong Kong which we hope will serve as an enabler for future growth andadoption of blockchain technology by the financial sector," said Michel Lee,Executive President of HashKey Group.
HIDA2019 willbe the first summit in Asia aimed at increasing global awareness of digitalassets and blockchain applications and follows the Global Blockchain Summithosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs for the last four years.
Key opinionleaders will deliver keynote speeches on the following issues:
To find out more about the Summit speakers and agenda,please click here
To purchase tickets, please visit our website
To apply to be a sponsor of the event, please contact: contact@hashkey.com
HashKey Group (HashKey Digital Asset Group Limited) is aleading fintech group based in Hong Kong. Led by a group of financial andtechnology veterans, the group focuses on developing the blockchain and digitalasset industry with a commitment to build a global ecosystem for the long-termin coordination with leading institutions, technology partners and governmentalbodies.
Funded by ChinaWanxiang Holdings, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is one of the first non-profitresearch institution focusing on Blockchain technology globally. WanxiangBlockchain Labs and its affiliated entities have been early backers of a largenumber of ground-breaking projects and key companies in the blockchaineco-system including Ethereum, Circle, Bloq, Dfinity and PlatON. Its main goal is to providesupport for research, entrepreneurship, development and promotion of theblockchain industry, to liaise with relevant regulatory bodies, and to explorehow the technology can be applied and contribute to the development of thewider economy and society.