Financial Highlights
| 6 months ended 30 June | ||
RMB'000 | 2017 | 2016 | Change |
Revenue | 85,255 | 43,958 | +93.9% |
Gross profit | 52,742 | 27,780 | +89.9% |
Profit (loss) before tax | 13,158 | (18,683) | - |
Adjusted profit (loss) before tax* | 14,693 | (16,405) | - |
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Company | 7,500 | (11,179) | - |
Adjusted profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Company* | 9,035 | (8,901) | - |
Basic earnings (loss) per share (RMB cents) | 0.15 | (0.24) | - |
Adjusted basic earnings (loss) per share (RMB cents)* | 0.18 | (0.19) | - |
*Adjusted financial information refers to activities for the periodexcluding share-based payments
HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 24 August 2018 - China Chuanglian Education Financial Group Limited (HKEx stock code: 2371.HK, the "Group") announced itsinterim resultsand financial position. For the six months ended 30 June 2018, the Grouprecorded a revenue of approximately RMB 85.3 million (corresponding period in 2017:approximately RMB44.0 million), representing a significant increase of 93.9% ascompared to the last corresponding period. During the Reporting Period, theGroup recorded a turnaround to profit attributable to owners of the Company ofapproximately RMB7.5 million, (corresponding period in 2017: loss attributableto owners of the Company of approximately RMB11.2 million).
Thebasic earnings per share for the Reporting Period was approximately 0.15 RMBcent (corresponding period in 2017: basic loss per share of approximately 0.24 RMBcent).
Educationalconsultancy, online training and education business
Beingone of the very few pioneers of online education providers in the PRC, wemainly provide vocational training in relation to job adaption and skillenhancement to civil servants and professional technical personnel, such aslawyers, accountants, doctors, teachers, etc., in the PRC. The currentpopulation of civil servants and professional technical personnel in the PRC isover 84 million. There are certain requirements under the PRC laws and relevantprovisions that, civil servants and professional technical personnel in the PRCare required to undertake an annual required minimum continuing professionaltraining in both public required subjects and relevant professional subjects inorder to satisfy their corresponding job requirements and professionaldevelopment needs.
TheGroup is currently providing online training and education services to itsusers through internet and telecommunication networks. The Group is operatingover 120 online training and education platforms and a mobile terminal learningplatform, Rongxue App (融學App). Currently,we have over 5 million of paid users. Over the past few years, our onlinetraining platforms had provided training to an accumulated person-times of over25 million. Since its launch of Rongxue App in 2016, its registered users has increasedquickly to over 2.3 million in the current year.
Duringthe Reporting Period, we continued to expand our online training and educationbusiness to more geographical areas in the PRC. Our online training andeducation business currently covers 17 provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities as well as 40 cities in the PRC.
Forthe six months ended 30 June 2018, approximately RMB77.8 million (correspondingperiod in 2017: approximately 44.0 million) was generated from educationalconsultancy, online training and education business, representing an increaseof approximately 77.0%. It continued to be the major contributor of revenue tothe Group which accounted for 91.3% of the total revenue.
Leveragingon the accurate big data accumulated from the online training, the Group hastaken certain steps to expand into the financial business. The Group is one ofthe promotors of Xinmei Mutual Life Insurance Agency ("Xinmei Mutual") (信美人壽相互保險社), the first mutual life insuranceagency in the PRC. Xinmei has already commenced its business and launched itsformal insurance products in 2017.
Inaddition, the Group has acquired Beijing Zhongjin Insurance Brokerage Limited ("BeijingZhongjin") (北京中金保險經紀有限公司) andWell Tunes Financial Group Limited in 2017 in order to enter into the insurancebrokerage insurance. The insurance brokerage business achieved significantprogress recording a revenue of approximately RMB7.4 million for the ReportingPeriod.
Future Plans
Overthe past few years, our online training and education business has graduallyincreased its geographical coverage in the PRC. In the coming years, we willcontinue to expand our geographical coverage to new business areas and promotethe online training and education penetration rate in the existing businessareas.
In2017, the PRC government has introduced a new standard named "NationalOccupational Qualification" (國家職業資格) ofprofessional technical personnel (專業技術人員)and skilled personnel (技能人員) which covers139 different occupations. This would largely increase the population ofprofessional technical personnel and skilled personnel who would needvocational training for annual renewal of their qualification. We believe thatit represents a huge business opportunity to our online training and educationbusiness.
Inaddition to the area of continuing education, we will target to diversify ourbusiness into the pre-qualification training and education business in light ofthe more stringent requirements for admission to the respective qualificationas professional technical personnel and skilled personnel.
Apartfrom the domestic training and education, we aim to have more diversificationof business by introducing certain international components to the training andeducation in the PRC. We are targeting to introduce certain high qualityinternational curriculum into the PRC in order to promote the globalization andrecognition of the education system in the PRC.
Inaddition to the business-to-business model the Group has adopted over the pastfew years, the Group intends to allot more resources in developing thebusiness-to-consumer model in the foreseeable future in order to increase theconsumer's adherence and loyalty to our training and education platforms.
Furthermore,the Group plans to launch its online to offline model whenever it is desirableso that our customers can enjoy the convenience of selecting and paying for thesuitable training courses online as well as enjoying the better post-salesservicing and interaction with our local offices and staff.
Leveragingon the solid foundation of our training and education business, we commenced tobuild up our financial business by entering into the insurance related businessin the previous year. In the coming future, we are planning to establish localoffices of our insurance brokerage business in major cities in the PRC in orderto capture the nationwide demand for insurance products and provide highquality post-sales services to the customers. Apart from insurance relatedbusiness, we are planning for the possible development of securities tradingand asset management business to further satisfy the potential financial needsof our customers. We believe the potentials of financial business is huge, andit can become another growth driver of the Group in the foreseeable future.
About ChinaChuanglian Education Financial Group Limited
China Chuanglian Education Financial (2371.HK) isprincipally engaged in the provision of the online training and educationservices in the PRC. It focuses on vocational education and continuingeducation, and provides massive online and offline training services to civilservants and professional technical personnel. Its online training platformshad provided training to an accumulated person-times of over 25 million andregistered users of Rongxue App has increased to over 2.3 million.
Meanwhile, leveraging on the accurate big data accumulated from theonline training, the Group has taken certain steps to expand into the financialbusiness. In 2016, the Group has become one of the nine promotors of Xinmei Mutual Life InsuranceAgency. The Group has also acquired insurance brokerage companies in the PRCand Hong Kong.