Music award encourages young musician in his career

April 15, 2020 - 09:20

Phan Mạnh Quỳnh won the Best Musician of the Year at the 15th Devotion Music Awards. He was born in the central province of Nghệ An and was self-taught as a musician.


Musician Phan Mạnh Quỳnh received the Best Musician of the Year at Thể Thao & Văn Hóa branch office in HCM City. Photo

Phan Mạnh Quỳnh won the Best Musician of the Year at the 15th Devotion Music Awards. He was born in the central province of Nghệ An and was self-taught as a musician.

His songs are hits including Vợ Người Ta (His Wife) which became the most searched keyword in Việt Nam in 2015, according to Google search statistics.

Việt Nam News reporter Nguyễn Bình chats with Quỳnh about the award and his career. 

The 15th Devotion Music Awards were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How did you feel receiving the trophy?

About ten years ago, I did not know the Devotion Music Awards. Later I found that it is an important award and I dreamed of becoming an award winner.

This is the biggest award of my career, which I've been waiting for a long time. So, when I was informed of winning, I was really happy.

I don't know how meaningful this award is to other artists, but I used to dream of someday walking on the red carpet and going on stage to receive the award.

I'm sure that this award will promote my career. Normally, I don't like award ceremonies because they are flashy. The Devotion Music Awards ceremony I think is solemn, elegant and charming. 

But Covid-19 was a worldwide pandemic so I felt a little regret. Anyway, I had to adapt to the situation.

The award organiser Thể Thao & Văn Hóa (Culture & Sport) newspaper invited me to come to its branch office in HCM City and gave me a trophy. 

The organisation said they dared not invite winning artists and the media because of the pandemic. I was really moved.

Could you tell us about your music which earned you the Best Musician of The Year?

I worked so hard last year. Luckily, I have had successful releases. It is luckier that my old products are more reviewed, listened and shared by the audience. That is why I became more popular.

Plus, my products are known thanks to my projects with film director Victor Vũ and singer Hà Anh Tuấn.

I wrote the song Có Chàng Trai Viết Lên Cây (There is a Boy Writing on Tree) in director Vũ's Mắt Biếc (Blue Eyes) about my younger years. I think that my real story will touch audience's hearts. Many people told me that they remembered their youth when they listened to the song.

I'm grateful to director Vũ for choosing my song for Mắt Biếc. It made the song well known.

Co-operation with singer Hà Anh Tuấn is my first project with other artists. I wrote four songs for him. The project includes his performance tour in Hà Nội, Đà Nẵng and HCM City.

My music product last year also includes a music video entitled Nhạt (Insipid).

What are the difficulties in the first co-operation project?

I have to try different styles. It is also important to force me to learn more. And the difficulty is that I have to write the song for the singer.

It is easier writing a song for myself because I know the strengths and weaknesses of my voice. Moreover, it is my emotion and I can express it smoothly. When I write songs for other singers it needs to find a common point.

How did you become a musician?

I began to learn music at 15 years old. I learned from veteran musicians and from books. The first songs were for students. At the age of 19, I moved to HCM City to study at Industrial College and continued my education.

When I was 21 years old, my songs have been performed by singers. Since then I worked as a singer and musician. 

Have you ever failed in finding your own way?

Yes, I used to be stuck. I had to leave the city and lived in a rural area for a long time. I worked as a farmer to calm down and get inspiration. This time helped me to concentrate on what I want to do. I found that I needed to focus on music writing.

When I was in a rural area, I still worked online with singers Mỹ Tâm and Hà Anh Tuấn. They helped me a lot giving their advice. I'm confident enough to develop my career in my way.

This award proves that my choice is right. And I completed the first part in my career. - VNS


