Nhơn Trạch 2 plans 16 per cent dividend rate lift

February 24, 2017 - 10:24

PetroVietnam Power Nhơn Trạch 2 has proposed that the firm’s management board raise the dividend payment rate on last year’s business performance from 20 per cent to 36 per cent.

PetroVietnam Power Nhơn Trạch 2 has proposed that the firm’s management board raise the dividend payment rate on last year’s business performance from 20 per cent to 36 per cent. — Photo cafef.vn

HÀ NỘI — PetroVietnam Power Nhơn Trạch 2 has proposed that the firm’s management board raise the dividend payment rate on last year’s business performance from 20 per cent to 36 per cent.

The former dividend rate of 20 per cent was approved at the company’s shareholder meeting in March 2016.

The additional dividend will include a 13 per cent payment in cash and 3 per cent payment in shares – equal to more than 8.6 million shares.

The company already completed dividend payments to shareholders in 2016.

The 20 per cent dividend was paid three times, with the first payment in August 2016 and the last one in January 2017.

In 2016, the company earned a total revenue of nearly VNĐ8 trillion, an increase of 19 per cent from 2015’s number, and a post-tax profit of VNĐ1.08 trillion, exceeding last year’s target by 49 per cent.

This year, Nhơn Trạch 2 targets a post-tax profit of VNĐ672 billion - 38 per-cent lower than last year’s result - and a 25 per cent dividend. — VNS
