Việt Nam, RoK promote measures boost trade

August 29, 2024 - 13:24
National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Thanh received in Hà Nội on Wednesday visiting Minister of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups Oh Young Joo of the Republic of Korea, proposing the guest continue coordination with Vietnamese agencies to strengthen economic cooperation and promote the implementation of measures to increase bilateral trade.
National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Thanh ( right) receives visiting Minister of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups Oh Young Joo of the Republic of Korea. — VNA/VNS Photo Doãn Tấn

HÀ NỘI — National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Thanh received in Hà Nội on Wednesday visiting Minister of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups Oh Young Joo of the Republic of Korea, proposing the guest continue coordination with Vietnamese agencies to strengthen economic cooperation and promote the implementation of measures to increase bilateral trade.

She also suggested the South Korean side continue supporting Vietnamese enterprises to increase capacity so that they can further participate in global supply chains, especially Korean enterprises’ ecosystem, as well as carry out human resources training projects for Vietnam in the fields of high-tech, digital transformation, semiconductor industry and artificial intelligence.

The NA Vice Chairwoman said that Việt Nam wishes to co-operate the RoK to develop large-scale, long-term projects, that are symbolic for bilateral co-operation, while continuing to promote defence cooperation and enhance capacity of law enforcement at sea for Việt Nam.

She hoped the Rok to create favourable condition for Việt Nam to open the Vietnamese Consulate General in Busan city in 2024, and support the implementation of a Việt Nam cultural centre in the RoK, as well as share experience in developing the cultural industry and entertainment industry.

For her part, Minister Oh said she hopes for the more deeper and substantial co-operation between the two countries, and between their small and medium-sized enterprises in particular.

She pledged to make further efforts to contribute to developing bilateral co-operation in the area.

Speaking highly of Việt Nam's action plans, the minister expected that co-operation between the two countries' enterprises will be strengthened, contributing to innovation, technology transfer to Vietnamese businesses after this visit.

She said her ministry has issued a new policy that helps international students with good academic achievements to have more opportunities to work long-term in the RoK.

As many Vietnamese students are studying in the RoK , she hoped the two sides will continue to cooperate in human resources, thereby contributing to the development of economic and trade collaboration between the two countries. — VNS
