Cà Mau to put all administrative procedures online

January 22, 2020 - 07:46
The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Cà Mau aims to have all of its administrative procedures handled through its electronic one-stop information system this year.


Cà Mau Province will handle all administrative procedures through its electronic one-stop information system. — Photo www.camau.gov.vn

CÀ MAU — The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Cà Mau aims to have all of its administrative procedures handled through its electronic one-stop information system this year.

Trần Hồng Quân, vice chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said: “Improving online public administrative services will better serve the province’s socio-economic development goals.”

The province also aims to have at least 20 per cent of online public services performed at levels 3 and 4 to be integrated with the national public service portal.

It targets having about 20 per cent of total administrative dossiers online, reducing meeting times by 30-50 per cent, and minimising paper documents used in meetings. 

In addition, all official documents exchanged between state agencies will be in electronic form.

The province aims to move up five positions in the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Index ranking this year.

It also plans to boost its Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Service (SIPAS) of individuals and organisations.

At least two per cent of civil servants, 2.5 per cent of the number of public non-business units, and two per cent of the state payroll will be reduced compared to last year.

In addition, one more public non-business unit will operate with its own funding.

The province hopes to exceed its State budget collection target for 2020 assigned by the National Assembly and the Government.

Its investment attraction and the number of newly established enterprises are expected to rise 10 per cent compared to last year.

To achieve these goals, Quân has asked departments and agencies in all sectors and levels to push forward with comprehensive reform of all of their work. 

The province will also improve the professional capacity of civil servants and public employees as well as the quality of public services by simplifying administrative services.

“The application of information technology should be enhanced in administrative organisations,” Quân said.

The heads of localities must be responsible for implementing administrative reforms, he said. — VNS
