Việt Nam expresses regrets over US human rights report

April 25, 2024 - 18:29
Hằng said that despite reflecting Việt Nam's achievements and progress in human rights protection, the report made some biased comments based on false information about the real situation in Việt Nam.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng addresses reporters' on Thursday during the regular press briefing in Hà Nội. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam on Thursday said it has ‘regrets’ over the recent annual human rights reports released by the US Department of State.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Phạm Thu Hằng, at the regular press briefing held in Hà Nội, criticised the annual human rights report released by the US State Department on April 22, which she said has made some subjective assessments based on inaccurate information about the actual situation in Việt Nam.

Hằng said that despite reflecting Việt Nam's achievements and progress in human rights protection, the report made some biased comments based on false information about the real situation in Việt Nam.

"Once again, we affirm Việt Nam's consistent policy of protecting and promoting human rights, considering human beings as the centre and driving force of the renewal process and the country's development," she emphasised.

Hằng also added that the basic rights and freedoms of individuals are enshrined in Việt Nam's Constitution and are protected and promoted by specific legal documents and implemented in practice.

"Việt Nam will engage in frank and constructive exchanges with the US on remaining differences to enhance understanding, thereby making positive contributions to the comprehensive strategic partnership between Việt Nam and the US," she said.

Meanwhile, responding to comments on China’s unilateral fishing ban in the East Sea (internationally known as the South China Sea), Hằng said Việt Nam demands China to respect Việt Nam's sovereignty over the Hoàng Sa (Paracel) archipelago and its sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its waters and maritime zones.

The foreign ministry spokesperson stated that Việt Nam's position on China's fishing ban in the East Sea is consistent and has been asserted in recent years.

"China's fishing ban not only violates Việt Nam's sovereignty over the Paracel archipelago but also infringes upon Việt Nam's sovereign rights and jurisdictional rights over its exclusive economic zone as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982," she said.

Việt Nam demands China not to complicate the situation further, and to contribute to maintaining peace, stability and order in the East Sea region, she said. — VNS
