On the occasion of today’s Việt Nam Journalists’ Day, Hoàng Nam Tiến, chairman of FPT software sharedswith the Lao Động (Labour) newspaper his views on the impact of social networks on traditional journalism.

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How the ’fifth power’ impacts journalism

June 21, 2016 - 07:00

On the occasion of today’s Việt Nam Journalists’ Day, Hoàng Nam Tiến, chairman of FPT software sharedswith the Lao Động (Labour) newspaper his views on the impact of social networks on traditional journalism.

Hoàng Nam Tiến, chairman of the FPT software company. - chungta.vn photo
Viet Nam News

As an IT expert, how do you evaluate the power of social networks to affect daily life?

The impact is growing stronger, along with the internet, which helps people access information. Social networks are now called “the fifth power” and they have changed concepts of journalism and media. The power is no longer in the hands of newspapers and news agencies. Anyone can access power through social networks.

Any person can sit in front of a computer, search the web and upload information on his or her Facebook page, becoming a “reporter”. This imbues in people a sense of power.

Many people, even popular scholars and intellectuals, spend three to four hours a day sharing comments and discussing nonsense on social media, especially Facebook.

I thought educated people should spend more time on real work. If all people, especially young educated ones, spend more time on “virtual life”, society and the economy will suffer. This is the negative impact of social networks. The power of social networks has changed people a lot.

Why is that?

I know many intellectuals have profound knowledge and want to be heard. Now they have a new channel to disseminate their knowledge and thoughts.

Some businessmen say social media is a more useful tool to advertise their brands than traditional media.

So, it is easy to understand why young people have illusions about the power of social networks.

Is there any way to reduce the negative impact of social networks?

They cannot be controlled. That’s nonsense.

People can’t live without smart phones and check Facebook or other social networks all the time. There have been some studies showing that the time people spend in restrooms has doubled or tripled. The first thing people look at when getting up in the morning are their phones.

People prefer online chatting to offline conversation.

However, the social networks also brought good things to society, making it more open and granting everyone a voice. .-- VNS

