HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM - MediaOutReach - 23 December 2020 - SMEs in Vietnam were celebrated today in aglittering ceremony highlighting their achievements in a challenging year.
Held in Ho Chi Minh City, the SME100 Fast Moving Companies Awardsceremony debuted in its first year in Vietnam -- having been established as thepremier regional awards for SMEs in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.
This year, more than 612 companies were nominated, with 225 companiesselected in the shortlist and 39 companies selected as winners. The SME100Awards utilises a basket of quantitative and qualitative criteria with a focuson growth (turnover, profit and market share) and resilience (best practices,sustainability and vision) to identify and recognise the top performing SMEs inthe region.
"When the SME100 was first organized 11 years ago, the market and theeconomy were very different than today. As the pace of change accelerates, sodoes the pace of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Running abusiness today is far more difficult than eleven years ago," said William Ng,group publisher and editor-in-chief of SME Magazine.
"As some of Vietnam's most successful businesses; you will be carryingthe flag of Vietnam internationally. With the SME100, a truly regional award,you will be carrying this flag with pride and with a sense of greaterresponsibility, especially since you will be the first in Vietnam to win thisaward," Ng added.
SMEs Given Vote of Confidence by Their Employees
In conjunction with the SME100 Fast Moving Companies Awards, a new surveyconducted by SME Magazine also revealed that employees of small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam believe in their employers, despite thechallenges of COVID-19, a cooling global economy, and increasing competition.
The SME100 Experience Survey, conducted in partnership with WillisTowers Watson for the SME100 Awards was done to help SMEs better understandtheir employees' perspectives, enabling data-driven insights into theimportance of developing a great employee experience.
By studying responses from organisations in Vietnam, it was found thatoverall, Vietnamese SMEs scored an average of 92 percent in employeeexperience. This is 8 percent higher than other countries in the region.Crucially, 4 out of 5 respondents are also willing to recommend their companyas a good place to work.
"A good employee experience is not, and should not be the sole preserveof large multinationals. This survey shows that SMEs can build competence inthis area to better attract and retain talent. In our experience, the employeeexperience contributes significantly to better company performance over timeand is the consistent differentiator that separates the best from the rest,"said Ng.
The experience of the SME100 Winners:
"We are so proud to be recognized as one of the OutstandingVietnamese Small and Medium Enterprises by SME & Entrepreneurship Magazine.This moment is really meaningful, not only for myself but also for the whole ofBlack Cat's members who are talented and have shared many joys and sorrowstogether in the journey leading Black Cat's ship going through 9 years in avery competitive market. On this day, all of our efforts have been recognizedand honored at this Prestigious Regional Award." - Mr. Ho Minh Kha -Chairman of Black Cat Insulation Technical JSC
"Through decades in F&B, I have seen and experienced a lot. Mycreations have been widely accepted and created a foundation for growth anddevelopment in the Vietnamese F&B market. However, in this modern era withmore digitalization, things are changing faster than ever, and businesses needto adapt and be agile. I created ELG to be the next steppingstone for theindustry, we want to be the market leaders in F&B innovation and set ahigher standard. This award reflects that ELG is heading in the right directionand will inspire us to continue to always strive better." - Mr. Lai Trinh-- CEO of ELG Entertainment Corporation
"It is an honor for HYYH Trading and EQUO International to be arecipient of the SME100 Awards -- Vietnam's Fast Moving Companies 2020. We arethankful and humbled to be recognized for our perseverance, adaptability andinnovative thinking. As a business that is purpose-led, while balancing theessentials of profitability, we are determined to make a change and reducesingle-use plastic to be a thing of the past. Thank you to the current partnersand the amazing team at HYYH/EQUO who helped the company grow to where it istoday, and to the future ones I haven't yet had the fortune to meet. We areyoung, but we are tenacious. We will continue to pursue our dream of making ourcompany a household name - one that provides consumers with sustainable andaccessible solutions, and one that will ultimately help build a brighter futurefor the Earth and future generations to come. The best from us is yet tocome." Marina Tran-Vu, Founder & CEO of HYYH Trading - EQUOInternational
"We are so proud to be selected as a winner of the regional prestigiousSME100 Awards - Vietnam's Fast Moving Companies 2020. This is a milestone torecord the achievement of IIST team's effort in recent years. This award givesus more motivation to expand business to ASIA and to the world in the nearfuture." - Mr. Han Vu Thang - President & Managing Director of IISTCompany Limited
"Long Hai Securitas is a company specialized in security services. It'sa service that needs qualified people. Our core value is: Integrity, Vigilanceand Helpfulness. Every day, thousands of our security guards begin their workwith a core value with a purpose of "Making your world safer". They,our employees all over Vietnam, feel proud of it. With the SME100 Award, as atestament to our core values, our purpose and encourages us to always dobetter." Phan Nam - General Director of Long Hai Securitas Company
"At New Viet Dairy, the nature of our business don't put us in thefront of the scene. So, when SME100 organization proposed us to run for thisaward, we thought our staff deserves to win a public recognition for once. Weare also proud for all suppliers from 25 countries that are trusting us to betheir distributor and our 6,000 loyal professional clients for their support.We are confident 2021 will allow us to continue to grow and betterperform." - Mr. Didier Lachize - Founder and Chairman of the Board, NewViet Dairy JSC
"OnePro advertising agency is proud to be recognized as one of thefastest-growing SMEs in Asia SME 100 award 2020. The award is proof that ourcompany has great competency in the Vietnam advertising Industry as we offerscreative, professional and prestigious marketing solutions. Our One Goal is toalways make a progress for your brand through real & effective businessresults by delivering the right solution to the well-defined problem. Becauseonly the progress in the making can drive your satisfaction at the end. For allthe reasons, we believe that OnePro is the perfect partner for futurebrands." - Mr. Nguyen Tan Quang - Vice President of OnePro AdvertisingCompany
"To everyone who received nominations and awards, I say well done. RCR Vietnam is proud of being named one ofVietnam's Fast-Moving Companies and the Management team accepts this award onbehalf of our people who form the backbone of our Company. RCR Vietnam is a company built on integritywith an absolute commitment to safety, performance excellence and developingproductive, sustainable, mutually beneficial partnerships with our clients,partners, and the wider community. Through our people we have created real value for our customers throughprocess and systems, and deliver value which supports our strongreputation. This award enables ourpeople to further create and maintain a significant competitive advantage inour young market and will stimulate and encourage our people to continue theprogression and evolution of our Company and bring further value to our currentand future customers." -- RCR Vietnam
"At Square Roots we strive to retain the true nature of every piece offurniture that we create, bringing the wonder of the natural world into yourhome. We do not seek conformity in everything we do, but rather celebrateindividuality and character. Being recognized with an SME100 award is proofthat divergent thinking can lead to success. This award is testament to thevalues of collaboration and respect that we nurtured within the organism thatis Square Roots." -- Square Roots
"Vight'svision to Improve Life through Light is inspired by our core values: passionfor design, care for supplying high quality to our clients, adaptability forevery brief, and a family-like dependability. While our Founders have acombined experience of 50 years, it's our talented team who are the drivingforce for our success. They consistently push the boundaries with innovationand are relentlessly creative. We are proud to be included as a SME100 companyas it's a testament to our solutions-based approach on our projects. This awardis confirmation for our team's hard work and for the Vietnamese community whoinspire us on a daily basis.' -- Vight
Winner of SME100 Awards:
1. 3D SmartSolutions Company Limited
2. 5S Consultingand Media
3. Abeo VietnamCo., Ltd.
4. ADP Group
5. Babylons JSC
6. Bap It Co.,JSC
7. Baris ArchArchitecture And Interiors
8. Black CatInsulation Technical JSC
9. Cargo CareLogistics Corp.
10. DataHouse AsiaConsulting Joint Stock Company
11. DBA Interiors
12. ELGEntertainment Corporation
13. Eteacher TutorCompany Limited
14. Givi Vietnam
15. GUDJOBCommunication and Creative Company Limited
16. HappySkinVietnam Corporation
17. Havas Vietnam
18. HYYH Trading -Equo International
19. Icon TechnicCompany Limitted
20. IITS IndochinaIntegrated Solution and Technology Company Limited
21. Ky Luc Co., Ltd
22. Long HaiSecuritas
23. Nam ThuanEnergy Joint Stock Company
24. New Viet DairyJSC
25. OneproAdvertising Company
26. OnPoint
27. Point Avenue
28. RCR Vietnam
29. SAI Digital
30. Sonatus
31. Square Roots
32. Super CargoService Company Limited
33. UNIMATESEducation Vietnam
34. Ursin CompanyLimited
35. Vexos Vietnam
36. Viet AnEnvironment Technology JSC
37. Vight
38. Zoop CareCompany Limited
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Business Media International (BMI) is one of Asia's leadingbusiness-to-business publishers. Some of our media properties include SMEMagazine, HR Asia, Capital Asia, and World Halal Business. As owners of some ofthe region's largest B2B media and events properties, BMI is uniquelypositioned to offer business owners and senior business executives up-to-datebusiness intelligence across the region.