SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 24November 2020 - ERA Singapore (ERA) has recently marked the transformationof ERA APAC Centre with Minister of National Development Desmond Lee that willsee the new-look Asia Pacific HQ taking shape in 2021.
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The building, the onlyone that is owned by a real estate agency in Singapore, is set to become a realestate icon in the region, with digitalisation taking centre stage across everytouch-point. Once its transformation is complete,its network of trusted advisors will enjoy access to cutting-edge facilitiespowered by technology.
There will be a media room equipped with cameras,lighting and audio systems for them to produce videos or conduct virtualtraining sessions and meetings. Several interactive LED display screensshowcasing virtual property galleries will also be installed. Additionally, aco-working space, will allow trusted advisors to brainstorm ideas and seekconsultation with their fellow teammates, via offline and online platforms.
Best-in-class digital initiatives that offer competitive advantage
Virtual is the new reality. As moreproperty transactions are completed remotely, ERA has introduced a slew of digitalinitiatives that will enhance the end-to-end real estate experience for both customersand trusted advisors.
Presently, property buyers and sellers,especially those based overseas, have to undergo the search and screeningprocesses on their own. They are unable to fully imagine the space of a unit orexplore it thoroughly via existing images or videos.
There is also a lack of information onappointed trusted advisors to help facilitate overseas transactions and ensureofficial documents are safely and securely handled. This is where ERA seeks tofill the gap with the following digital initiatives:
"These digitalinitiatives are examples of how ERA is embracingProptech into our business so that our trusted advisors have a competitiveedge. In an increasingly digitalised world, we are constantly thinking ofbreakthroughs to bridge physical limitations and enable seamless processes forbuyers, sellers, and trusted advisors alike. Our aim is to provide personalisedservices along every step of the real estate experience, no matter where theyare located," said Jack Chua, Chief Executive Officer of ERA.
"Technology can really open up newopportunities for trusted advisors; but unfortunately, smaller agencies don'thave this kind of tech support like this partnership," says Division DirectorYap Chin Chuan, who recently joined ERA as he had no means to go digital due tothe lack of Proptech resources in his previous agency.
Online Portal to enable cross-borderreal estate transactions across 34 countries
ERA trusted advisors cannow enlist its entire global network of more than 40,000 affiliated trustedadvisors in 2,300 offices throughout 34 countries to market their properties orhunt properties overseas.
Dubbed the GlobalReferral Network, an e-commerce online referralplatform powered by global real estate tech firm Immobel, this onlineportal helps to meet cross border property demands and country-to-countryreferrals instantly. Previously, trusted advisors have to call or email the respective ERAheadquarters to indicate their interest to make a global referral transaction.
This new intuitiveplatform offers a real-time "fooddelivery-style" dashboard -- in the form of a Referral Lifecycle Bar -- thatshows the status of all active referral business, both incoming and outgoing.
It also allows affiliatedtrusted advisors to refer and transact between countries seamlessly,automatically translating its referrals using their language, currency andmeasurement unit of choice for each of the country around the world.
Other key features include:
ERA piloted digital signatures adoptionin real estate
For higherefficiency, cost-saving, and secure transactions, ERA has adopted the digitaldocument and signature solution powered by Dedoco.
An encrypteddigital signing application provider, Dedoco's software is integrated withGovTech's recently launched Sign with SingPass feature under the Smart NationInitiative.
This newsolution will reduce logistics costs as well as time spent on deliveringdocuments for customer's signing. It is also more time-efficient for propertyowners, especially those who are based overseas, and minimise contact andexposure risk when servicing their customers.
Ensuring thestrictest compliance to data privacy and security, Dedoco's blockchain-enabledapplication will further help ERA to register a decentralised audit trail ofthe signing evidence, thus providing real-time validation of documents andtransactions.
"With COVID-19 affecting business transactions tremendously, Dedoco isproud to partner with ERA to deliver robust digital signing and documentmanagement solutions to its team of seasoned real estate professionals. Throughour enterprise blockchain technology, we are committed to ensuring minimalphysical contact between all signatories while ensuring that data security andcompliance are protected with the highest possible standards," says Daphne Ng,Executive Director of Dedoco.
Next generation conversational AI toimprove productivity and provide instant support
ERA alsounveiled the 24/7 Robo Chatbot, AI-powered conversational software that isdeveloped in by the Shanghai-listed entertainment company YOOZOO Games.
With thisWhatsApp chatbot embedded into its mobile app (iERA) and intranet (myERA), trusted advisors can access project information instantaneously, enhancing its workefficiency and productivity of the trusted advisors.
Regional virtual expo offering accessto over 300 properties
ERA had partnered withPropertyGuru, Singapore's number one property marketplace with 75% marketshare[1] tolaunch Asia VirtualProperty Expo, the first multi-market virtual property expo that showcases over 300properties and 40 webinars across ten countries -- Singapore,Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Philippines,Australia and the United Kingdom.
Virtual booths are set-up from 11November 2020 to 12 December 2020 for trusted advisors to meet and greet theircustomers, as well as for participating developers across the region toshowcase their properties.
Customers can immerse themselves in a3D virtual viewing experience for both local and regional properties orregister for real estate webinars conducted by leading experts from across theregion.
For actual experience, pleasevisit: AVPE.PropertyGuru.com
Experience an immersive home viewing with 3D Dollhouse, accuratemeasurements and realistic floor plan with Matterport
Leveraging on Matterport's 3D and AI technology, trusted advisors are able to conduct a detailed walkthrough of propertiesfor their customers from anywhere, anytime. Customers will feel as though theyare entering an actual physical space with its realistic 3D environment.
Customers can easily measure objects like furniture andhousehold items virtually! What's more, Matterport, which is also mobile ready,allowing trusted advisors to capture any space and turn photos into an immersivedigital twin simply by using their iPhone camera.
Besides, trusted advisors can also add descriptive multimedia meta tags,create highlight reels that provide home buyers with a guided tour of theproperty, and share auto-generated photos and videos on social media.
According to a recent Matterport survey[2],which polled 1,000 property buyers and 1,000 property sellers, consumers are no longer satisfied with static photos and would overwhelminglyopt for a more immersive experience. Nearly 80 percent of all respondents would switchto a trusted advisor offering immersive 3D tours oflisted properties.
"We're excited to bepartnering with ERA as a key part of their virtual strategy. Matterporttechnology will open up new levels of engagement for customers anywhere in theworld at any time. The current situation globally has shown how important andimpactful 3D capture technology is, and with forward thinking real estatecompanies like ERA leading the charge, digital twins are quickly becoming astandard in real estate," says Bruce Wells, Managing Director of MatterportAPAC.
[1] Market shareSource: SimilarWeb data
ERA Singapore is the nation's largestinternational real estate agency with over 18,000 trusted advisors across 10countries. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of SGX Mainboard Listed APAC RealtyLimited, ERA provides the widest range of professional services and solutionsin the country; from private and public residential resale and leasing, projectmarketing, commercial and industrial, property management, auction, valuation,research and real estate consultancy services.
ERA was awarded the best real estateagency (single office) with a five-star label in Singapore, a widely recognisedand prestigious accolade given by an independent panel of over 80 industryexperts in 2019; and prides itself as the nation's most preferred real estatebrand. Having emerged as the top real estate brand in numerous consumerresearches done by professional entities in the past, ERA is the nation'sleading household brand synonymous with professional service and the vanguardof digital transformation having displayed high levels of digitalisation acrossmost aspects of its business.
Headquartered in Singapore, ERA AsiaPacific has a vast network of offices throughout the Asia Pacific regionspanning over 650 offices in 9 other countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia,Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam. In February 2019, APACRealty announced its acquisition of the ERA master franchisor for Indonesia andalso taking direct ownership of the Thailand ERA master franchise through apartnership.
ERA Singapore Pte Ltd
Estate Agent License No. L3002382K
(ERA Reception @ Level 3)
450 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh
Singapore 319394
About ERA Real Estate
At ERA Real Estate, we don't adapt to change, wecreate it. We believe that our core business values of collaboration,innovation, diversity and growth are needed now more than ever. As a globalleader in the residential real estate industry for more than 40 years, ERA wasthe first real estate franchise to expand internationally, the first to postlistings online, and is the only national company that offers the SellersSecurity® Plan (SSP) program. The ERA SPP program allows affiliatedagents to give sellers of qualified homes the peaceof mind that their home will sell, and for what price.
The ERA Real Estate networkincludes more than 35,000 independent sales associates and approximately 2,300offices throughout the United States and 35 other countries and territories. ERA Franchise Systems LLC (www.ERA.com) which operates the ERA RealEstate system, is a subsidiary of Realogy Holdings Corp. (NYSE: RLGY), a global provider of realestate services. ERA Real Estate information is available at www.era.com/explore.
About PropertyGuru Group
PropertyGuru Group is SoutheastAsia's leading property technology company and the preferred destination for24.5 million property seekers to find their dream home, every month. PropertyGuru and its group companies empower property seekers with the widestoption of more than 2.7 million homes, in-depth insights and solutions thatenable them to make confident property decision across Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.
PropertyGuru.com.sg was launched in 2007 and revolutionised theSingapore property market by taking it online and made property searchtransparent for the property seeker. Over the decade, the group has grown froma regional property media powerhouse to a high-growth technology company with arobust portfolio of No.1 property portals across its core markets;award-winning mobile apps; best-in-class developer sales enablementplatform, FastKey; mortgagemarketplace PropertyGuru Finance; and ahost of industry-leading property offerings including Awards, events and publications acrossAsia.
For more information, pleasevisit www.PropertyGuruGroup.com ;
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About Dedoco
An enterprise blockchain service,Dedoco is a decentralized, digital signing, and document solution. Built withthe aim of improving efficiency and compliance, Dedoco was designed to automateand tamper-proof digital signatures, ultimately resulting in end-to-end digitalworkflows that are immune to disruptions. Its peer-to-peer encryption furtherensures document security and enhanced privacy. Dedoco aims to empowerenterprises to digitize and sign documents with an easy-to-useSoftware-as-a-Service model that can be adopted across all industries on aglobal scale. For more information, visit us at https://www.dedoco.com.
About YOOZOO Games
YOOZOO Games (hereinafter"YOOZOO") is a global entertainment company specializing in game developmentand publishing. Since its founding in 2009, YOOZOO has forged a strong globaldistribution network and launched a multitude of highly successful products.Whilst YOOZOO is best known for its work in global development and publishing,in recent years it has built upon its expertise in games to develop thecompany's AI business development, which has become a strategic focus forYOOZOO in response to the technological advances of the industry. In 2018,YOOZOO has established a global AI hub in Singapore. YOOZOO AI Innovation Labis set to grow to around 60 AI researchers and engineers within the next fiveyears.
About Matterport
Matterport is the industry leader in 3Dcapture and spatial data with a mission to digitize and index the built world,and advance the way people interact with the places they inhabit and explore.Matterport's all-in-one 3D data platform enables anyone to turn a physicalspace into an immersive digital twin and share it with others to connect andcollaborate in 3D. In less than a decade, customers such as Redfin, HH Angus,Sotheby's, Arup and Marriott, have captured billions of square feet of space inover 80 countries.
Learn more at matterport.com, browse a gallery of digital twins, or explore a curated global collection of 3D spaces at Destination: Everywhere. Follow Matterport on
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