SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 21 October 2020 - (NASDAQ:AMZN) - This holiday season, Amazon announced that it will support more than athousand charities around the world with product and monetary donations to helpthem get millions of items they need. Organizations in the U.S., U.K., Spain,Singapore, Japan, Italy, India, Germany, France, China, Canada, Australia andmore will receive donations starting today. In Singapore, Amazon is expanding itsDelivering Smiles wishlist campaign to support more nonprofit organizations(NPOs) and teaming up with actor and musician Nathan Hartono to raise awarenessfor the Amazon X Retailfor Good Wishlist campaign. This includes a donation to Nathan'scharity of choice, Club Rainbow (Singapore), which is the latest addition tothe wishlist campaign featuring nonprofits Blessings in a Bag, Children'sWishing Well, The Food Bank Singapore, Singapore Red Cross, and SOSD. Customerscan join Amazon in its season of giving by shopping for an NPO's wishlist today:amazon.sg/npowishlist.
"Charitable organizations inSingapore serve a vital role in our community. Amazon is proud to expand ourwishlist campaign in Singapore to benefit more nonprofits, their beneficiaries,especially underprivileged children, and the local community as we work throughthe challenges of a global pandemic together," said Henry Low, Country Manager,Amazon Singapore. "I am pleased to welcome Nathan Hartono and Club Rainbow(Singapore) as they join us in delivering smiles to those in need this holidayseason."
A Seasonof Smiles with Nathan Hartono. Actor and musician Nathan Hartono joins a number of celebrities worldwide who will be surprising local charities in their communities with the support andsmiles they need this holiday season. Customers can follow along via
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"This year has shown us the meaning of community,that we are an interconnected society, not just individuals, and that there isstill so much we can do for each other," said Nathan Hartono. "I'm honored tojoin Amazon in delivering smiles to those charities and communities who need itmost. Follow me on my social media to see how Amazon and I will be surprisingsome incredible, deserving charities this holiday."
HelpingCustomers Give Back While They Shop. It is easy for customers to give backthis holiday season on Amazon.sg. While shopping for holidaysupplies and gifts for family and friends, customers can support their favoriteNPOs and their causes by purchasing items off their Amazon wishlist -- a depository of items they the need most.Enjoy the same low prices and convenient shopping experience customers havecome to expect from Amazon. Singaporeans keen to do good this holiday seasoncan join Amazon's season of giving by donating through Amazon xRetail for Good Wishlist.
"COVID-19has left an indelible mark on all of us, especially our vulnerablebeneficiaries, children with chronic illnesses. The families of these childrenwith compromised immunity have been challenged and stretched during thisperiod. We are heartened to be selected as one of the beneficiaries of Amazon XRetail for Good," said Dr Sashikumar Ganapathy, President, Club Rainbow(Singapore). "Through this meaningful initiative, we hope that members of thecommunity can embrace this vulnerable group, with their much-needed care andsupport, as we move into the last quarter of 2020 before the children return toschool in January. The items listed on our wishlist fulfill critical needs suchas milk powder and diapers, as well as school supplies which would be usefulwhen school reopens."
Withspecific items and quantities listed in Club Rainbow (Singapore)'s wishlist,shoppers can donate in a fuss-free and transparent way, and Amazon willdirectly deliver the purchased items to Club Rainbow (Singapore). Click here to view and purchase Club Rainbow(Singapore)'s wishlist.
About Amazon X Retail for GoodWishlist campaign
The Amazon X Retail for GoodWishlist campaign is a joint effort by Amazon Singapore and the NationalVolunteer & Philanthropy Centre to encourage shoppers to donate tonon-profit organizations (NPOs) by purchasing items listed on their Amazon.sg wish lists. Retail for Good is acollaborative initiative by NVPC's Company of Good that aims to bringstakeholders in the retail and e-commerce space together to make doing good apart of daily encounters. Check out thefull list of NPO wishlists here.
About Amazon in the Community
Amazon is committed tohelping more children and young adults, especially those from underrepresentedand underserved communities, have the resources and skills they need to buildtheir best future. Amazon focuses on building long-term, innovative,and high impact programs that leverage Amazon's unique assets and culture.
About Amazon
Amazon is guided by fourprinciples: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion forinvention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking.Customer reviews, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon,AWS, and Kindle are some of the products and services pioneered by Amazon. Formore information, visit Amazon.sg.
Appendix:List of nonprofit organizations with Amazon.sg wishlists today
AboutBlessings in a Bag
Blessingsin a Bag (BIAB) is a non-profit organization that bridges the gap betweencommunities that have and those that don't. Through the 'Beyond Awesome'programme, they support up to 90 children and youth from under-resourcedcommunities in Singapore, each of whom will benefit directly from receivingitems on the Amazon wishlist.
AboutChildren's Wishing Well
Children'sWishing Well (CWW) is a non-profit organization and fully-registered charityfounded in 2002. CWW's services support more than 1,000 children and youth fromdisadvantaged backgrounds in Singapore, through their educational and dailyliving needs, as well as equipping them with skills for their future so thatthey can become useful members of society and escape the poverty trap.
About Club Rainbow (Singapore)
Established in 1992, Club Rainbow(Singapore) (CRS) is a non-profit organization and charity with the mission tosupport and empower children with chronic illnesses and their families. Armedwith the firm belief that every child deserves equal opportunities to lead afulfilling and independent life, CRS supports these children and their familiesthrough social work intervention, therapy intervention, educational support,arts and vocational development. As an independent charity, CRS relies largelyon corporate partners such as Amazon and public donations to support itsmission.
AboutSingapore Red Cross
TheSingapore Red Cross (SRC) is a homegrown humanitarian organization serving thevulnerable locally and internationally. All the donations received via AmazonSingapore will be utilised by SRC local services and programmes.
About SOSD
SOSDis a volunteer-run organization dedicated to the welfare of Singapore's manystreet dogs. Our mission is to eliminate cruelty to and abandonment of animals,enhancing their welfare, and improving the lives of animals and humans, throughrescue, education and advocacy. We rely on the generosity of the public tosupport our care of over 500 dogs at our shelters at Sungei Tengah Road and JurongIsland. You can make a difference. Your kind donation will help in providingshelter, food, medicine, veterinary care and love to the rescued dogs.
AboutThe Food Bank Singapore
TheFood Bank Singapore is a registered charity founded in 2012, with the missionto end food insecurity in Singapore through redistribution of food to more than360-member beneficiary organizations. The public can deposit/donate theirunused or unwanted foods which will then be collected and allocated to theneedy via various channels through VWOs, Charities, Soup Kitchens.