HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 24 September 2020 - 7-Eleven hasalways been known for running attractive redemption programmes that offerappealing collectibles. However, the team decided to do things differently thistime round -- they wanted to shift the programme from simply being a way toreward loyalty into a platform to increase brand equity and authenticallyengage the customer in a fun and exciting way.
So, 7-Eleven launched a total of four Snoopy concept stores inHong Kong and Macau to not only showcase and generate awareness of theprogramme itself, but also create an exciting destination for Snoopy fans tovisit and enjoy.
HAPPINESS IS... : a fun, meaningfulplatform to engage and connect
To coincide with Snoopy's 70th birthday, 7-Eleven chose to collaborate withPEANUTS, the iconic cartoon strip featuring Snoopy and his friends. "HAPPINESSIS...." was selected as the overarching platform for the campaign; a famouscatchphrase from the PEANUTS cartoons that encourages us to appreciate thelittle things in life.
In their latest redemptionprogramme, 7-Eleven partnered up with PEANUTS and Japanese lifestyle fashionbrand niko and... in their first ever crossover collection in Hong Kong to launcha series of eight colourful, stylish eco bags featuring Snoopy and the gang. Toaccompany the launch and promote the programme in an exciting and engaging way,7-Eleven developed the innovative idea of the Snoopy concept store.
A fresh perspective on customer engagement
The rationale behind the Snoopyconcept stores was to bring the redemption programme to life and create anopportunity for customers to truly experience the wonderful world of Snoopy andhis friends within selected 7-Eleven stores.
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Four locations were chosen to undergo the transformation; a hub of three stores in the high trafficdistrict of Mongkok to create a "Snoopy Town" for added impact and onestore in Macau. Each store is decorated individually in a specialtheme to representa particular conceptunder the umbrellaof the HAPPINESS IS... platform -- Friendshipand Togetherness, Sharing, More Hellos and A Day Out. The different fit outs not only flesh out the HAPPINESSIS...concept but also give customers a compelling reason to visit each and everyconcept store to create and share even more happy moments.
To create a true 360-degreecustomer experience, stores were decorated from top to bottom. Special Snoopytouches have been added throughout including the shopfront, category signage,chiller and freezer doors, walls and, in some stores, even the ceiling! Thefinished stores look as though they have just leapt off the pages of a PEANUTScomic; shelving has been transformed to look like Snoopy's iconic red doghouseand a custom-made gondola end display installed featuring a jumbo Snoopy figuredriving a bright yellow school bus.
Team members at the Snoopy conceptstores can also join in on the fun. An exclusive Snoopy x 7-Eleven T- shirtfeaturing the iconic Charlie Brown chevron stripe has been designed for them towear within the stores.
The eye-catching displays andappealing artwork put smiles on customers' faces and also give them manyopportunities to take "Instaworthy" images to share on social media with theirfriends and family. The authentic user generated content is invaluable increating buzz for the stores and far-reaching exposure of the campaign.
Partnership and synergies: leveraging the Snoopy brand
One of the team's primaryobjectives was to strengthen the brand association between 7-Eleven and thePEANUTS franchise in a fun and engaging way. Visitors to the concept stores cansee Snoopy and his friends enjoy a range of 7-Eleven SIGNATURE productsincluding Slurpees, Sundae and 7Café coffee and Hot Shot. And if you lookcarefully, Snoopy can even be spotted wearing a 7-Eleven uniform himself!
After experiencing the store, takeSnoopy and the gang home with you in the form of exclusive PEANUTS merchandise!Snoopy's influence is not just noticeable in the store decoration but also inthe product range of these special stores. One store contains a dedicatedSnoopy corner where customers can purchase exclusive PEANUTS-themed merchandiseincluding pet products, lunchboxes, cutlery sets and other accessories. Yetanother chance to bring a little bit of Snoopy happiness home with them.
A new take on a market leading promotion
The Snoopy concept stores are asuccessful example of building on an already popular market promotion to givecustomers a fun and exciting store experience. The introduction of the conceptstores elevates the redemption programme to another level, turning it into aplatform to authentically connect with customers and reshape how they think andfeel about 7-Eleven as a brand.
Concept Store Address
Store1 : Shop 16, G/F., 60-104 Soy Street, Concord Bldg., Kowloon, Hong Kong
Store2: Shop 7C & 7D on G/F., No.7-9 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Store 3: Shop 1, G/F(Including the Cockloft therein), Hung Tat Building, No. 55 Dundas Street,Kowloon, Hong Kong
Store 4: Na Taipa, Rua DoRegedor No 191, Chun Fok Village - 1 Fase Res-Do-Chao AB., Macau