MACAU, CHINA - Media OutReach - 22 July 2020- Alvin Chau, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Suncity Group, together with GinaLei, Senior Vice President of Corporate & Community Relations of SuncityGroup and other delegates, paid a visit to the Liaison Office of the CentralPeople's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region on July 21, andwas warmly received by officials including Yao Jian, Deputy Director of theLiaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SpecialAdministrative Region, Chen Guokai, Director General of Economic AffairsDepartment of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in theMacao Special Administrative Region, Dai Ruming, Deputy Director General of theSocial Work Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Governmentin the Macao Special Administrative Region, and Zuo Xianghua, Director ofEconomic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People'sGovernment in the Macao Special Administrative Region.
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Deputy Director Yao expressed welcomeand, as a token of appreciation, presented a Certificate of Donation to SuncityGroup for the Group's effort and contributions in the fight against thepandemic. He re-affirmed the Group's swift response as the Group dedicated itseffort through a series of donations, showing the patriotic spirit of Macaocompatriots. As the anti-pandemic measures have become a new normal, it becomeseven more important for Suncity Group to strengthen itself and contribute itseffort towards the city.
Alvin Chau statedthat as a Macau enterprise dedicated to charity and community affairs,patriotism is part of Suncity Group's core value. And in the face of thepandemic, it is essential that the Group, adhering to President Xi's call onentrepreneurs, takes on its social responsibilities and support the country andthe Special Administrative Region in implementing the anti-pandemic measures.Facing the new normal, Suncity Group is confident that together with the Macausociety, we will surely emerge victorious and, staying true to the core valueof patriotism and support for "One Country, Two Systems", contribute to theprosperity of Macao and the Chinese nation.
Since the early stages of the pandemic, under thecoordination of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government inthe Macao Special Administrative Region, Suncity Group donated to HubeiProvince MOP 30 million to purchase urgently needed medical resources for Wuhanhospitals, such as medical equipment, reagents, medicines, protectiveequipment, decontamination equipment, especially consumables such as masks thata large amount are required. In addition, to relieve the scarcity of protectivemasks for frontline officers on vital posts, Suncity Group purchased 20,000surgical masks, which are donated to Immigration and Customs officers at HongKong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge checkpoints. In the name of himself, Alvin Chaudonated, through the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government inthe Macao Special Administrative Region, another MOP 30 million and about60,000 respirators to Hubei Province in support of the country's anti-pandemicmeasures. As a gesture of gratitude, Alvin Chau received the Certificate ofDonation from the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SpecialAdministrative Region for his effort in this fight against the pandemic.
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SuncityGroup was founded in 2007. Since establishment, Suncity Group has been strivingto provide the extraordinary VIP entertainment service for our guests, and wethen opened a number of VIP Clubs in various 6-star hotels and resortsthroughout Macau with the rapid growth of our business. Meanwhile, wesuccessively set up exclusive VIP Clubs in Manila, Seoul, Incheon, Phnom Penhand Da Nang, etc.
Adhering tothe spirit of "Innovating With Diversity, Striving For Success", Suncity Groupspared no effort to develop high-end entertainment services and products aswell as roll out global VIP loyalty program for the selected members to enjoyentertainment, travel, catering services, luxury shopping and motion picture.Today, the scope of our business covers most sectors, especially in the fieldsof global travel, film production, concert and event planning, catering andluxury goods.
As a Macauborn and bred enterprise, Suncity Group is not only devoted to develop theAsian market, but also oriented to expand the global network. In the future, wewill surely continue to diversify our VIP entertainment services, attract moreexclusive members and make every effort to promote our business in every cornerof the world.
Official Website | www.suncitygroup.com.mo/en