SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 15 July 2020 - LeadingSoftware-Defined Enterprise Content Delivery Network (SD ECDN) providerKollective Technology today announced that it was selected by Microsoft Corp.(Nasdaq: MSFT) to demonstrate the scalability of Microsoft Teams for liveevents at Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers worldwide.
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Designed to createcomprehensive and immersive technology experiences for Microsoft customerslooking to adopt innovations that accelerate their Digital Transformationinitiatives, Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers highlight the latestin Modern Workplace use cases, including live video broadcasts. By selectingKollective as the certified ECDN of Experience Centers, Microsoft can noweasily showcase how Teams can deliver global, company-wide live events with thehelp of ECDN technology.
Kollective's ECDNplatform, utilizing browser-based peering technology, scales Teams live eventswithout the need to install software or invest in additional networkinfrastructure. Leveraging the Kollective Demo Portal, Experience Centervisitors can not only learn how ECDNs scale live events but also immediatelystart a free trial, enabling them to evaluate peer-assisted video deliverywithin their own Microsoft 365 tenant. Real-time analytics, included with everytrial, provides teams with insights that easily demonstrate how peeringtechnology optimizes user experience and live event reach while minimizingnetwork impact.
"We are excitedMicrosoft selected Kollective to bring ECDN technology to customers embarkingon their digital transformation journeys," said Kollective CEO Dan Vetras. "Oursolution enables enterprise organizations to maximize the ROI of theirMicrosoft 365 investment by optimizing networks to reliably deliver live andon-demand video content."
"At ExperienceCenter Asia, through enabling the use of Kollective Technology for MicrosoftTeams live events, not only do we showcase our commitment to partners andinnovation, we also clearly demonstrate to the market how the Future of Workmay look like," said Microsoft's Rebecca Hick, Director of Experience CenterAsia.
Kollective is theleading provider of enterprise content delivery networking (ECDN)infrastructure. Kollective's cloud-based, software-only platform leveragesexisting network infrastructure to deliver content faster, more reliably andwith less bandwidth. With numerous pre-built integrations to applications suchas Microsoft Teams, Kollective customers can easily and securely scale the besttechnologies to the edge of their global networks. Over 135 organizations,including many of the largest companies in the world, trust Kollective tosecurely scale live streaming video, video on-demand, and software updates toevery device at the network edge.
Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) enables digitaltransformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Itsmission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet toachieve more.