HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach -18 September 2019 - Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704),a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, today release researchdemonstrating that major new European banking rules could greatly increase thecyberattack surface for financial services firms and their customers.
The new research details the impact ofthe EU's Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), which is designed to giveusers greater control over their financial data and the option of sharing itwith a new breed of innovative Financial Technology (FinTech) firms. The sameideas are spreading globally under the term "Open Banking."
"The financial sector has always beena highly attractive target for cybercriminals, and PSD2 and Open Banking areset to offer hackers even more opportunities to steal sensitive personal andfinancial information," said Ed Cabrera, chief cybersecurity officer for TrendMicro. "Our concern is that the industry may not be fully prepared to deal withthis greatly expanded attack surface. That's why we wanted to understand therisks before they occur, so we can help FinTechs and traditional lendersprotect their assets first."
The report highlights several possibleattack scenarios under the new regulatory regime:
To prepare for the changing landscape,Trend Micro details how financial institutions can improve their cyberresilience. These include ensuring sensitive information is never contained inURL paths, prioritizing secure protocols, and eliminating risky practices.
Meanwhile, Open Banking app developersand owners must adopt a secure-by-design approach, including regular softwareaudits.
To find outmore about the cyberrisks associated with new Open Banking rules, read ourreport, Ready or Not for PSD2: The Risks of Open Banking, here: https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/hk/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/the-risks-of-open-banking-are-banks-and-their-customers-ready-for-psd2.
TrendMicro Incorporated, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, helps to makethe world safe for exchanging digital information. Our innovative solutions forconsumers, businesses, and governments provide layered security for datacenters, cloud environments, networks, and endpoints. All our products worktogether to seamlessly share threat intelligence and provide a connected threatdefense with centralized visibility and control, enabling better, fasterprotection. With more than 6,000 employees in over 50 countries and the world'smost advanced global threat intelligence, Trend Micro enables organizations tosecure their journey to the cloud. Formore information, visit www.trendmicro.com.hk.