HONG KONG, CHINA - EQS - 14 June 2019 - A fullyintegrated biopharmaceutical company -- Uni-Bio Science Group Limited (the"Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; Stock code: 0690.HK), andits subsidiary, Uni-Bio Science HealthCare Ltd. are pleased to announce that a Letterof Intent for strategic cooperation framework has been signed with Kaiping TimeCity Tourism Development Co., Ltd. ("the partner"). The Letter ofIntent aims to cooperate with the partner in the construction and operation ofthe chronic illness rehabilitation base and related healthcare facilities combining with the services of Chronic DiseaseManagement.
Within thenext 6 months, both parties will further evaluate the financial feasibility ofthe project and finalize a deal structure that can better leverage thestrengths of each company and lead to a win-win partnership. The successfulsigning of this cooperation will directly benefit the long-term sales of theGroup's chronic disease product portfolio, especially the soon-to-launch rhExendin-4("Uni-E4") and rhPTH (1-34) ("Uni-PTH") to treat diabetesand osteoporosis, respectively. Chronic diseases are long-term conditions thatusually progress slowly over time, therefore it is often best managed through acomprehensive program that includes education on health, proactive lifestylechanges, well-integrate primary care and aftercare, and drug treatment. Byworking with our partner, we can integrate our products in a broader chronicdisease treatment solution for more effective results for our patients. Thisapproach also corresponds to the strong support of Guangdong Province and localgovernments for the development of great health industries.
On thesigning of this Letter of Intent of the strategic cooperation, Mr. Kingsley Leung, Chairman of and Executive Director of Uni-BioScience Group Limited said, "With the improvement of living standards andthe arrival of "aging China", the biggest problem threatening people's healthis chronic diseases. The Outline of the2030 Plan for Healthy China upgrades the management and rehabilitation ofchronic diseases to a new strategic level. It is not only the needs of thecountry but also the demand of the people. The Group's product line andinnovative Biological drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases will be releasedon the market in the near future, providing a new avenue to treat thesediseases that affect over 300 Million people in China alone. It is worthemphasizing that Uni-PTH and Uni-E4 are relatively new products in the Chinesemarket. They are cost-effective products that solve unmet needs in osteoporosisand diabetes, respectively. However, they are fairly expensive compared tocommon copy-cat chemical drugs and will require education to physicians andpatients on their clinical uniqueness. This opportunity to expand ourvalue-chain further downstream to the private healthcare space will allow theGroup to access our target market directly and more cost-effectively. It willenable us to better educate our customers, as well as receive feedback for ourproducts much quicker. Our partner is planning to invest up to RMB Six BillionYuan into the overall project. When completed, the project will attract significantpatient flow!
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited is principallyengaged in the research and development, manufacture and distribution ofpharmaceutical products. The research and development center is fully equippedwith a complete system for the development of genetically-engineered productswith a pilot plant test base which is in line with NMPA requirements. The Groupalso has two GMP manufacturing bases in Beijing and Shenzhen. The Group isfocused on the development of novel treatments and innovative drugs addressingthe therapeutic areas of endocrine as diabetes and osteoporosis, ophthalmologyand dermatology.
Uni-Bio Science Group Limitedwas listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 12,2001. Stock code: 0690.