The business environment in Thái Bình Province has improved and the large investments into agriculture in the locality are vivid evidence of this.

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Thái Bình praised for success in drawing investors

February 15, 2019 - 07:50

The business environment in Thái Bình Province has improved and the large investments into agriculture in the locality are vivid evidence of this.

Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc (middle) cut the ribbon for the inauguration of Thái Bình Thermal Power Plant in the province’s Thái Thụy District on Thursday. — VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — The business environment in Thái Bình Province has improved and the large investments into agriculture in the locality are vivid evidence of this.

Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc made the statement on Thursday while attending a ceremony to begin the construction of coastal road in the northern province.

He also affirmed that the Government has high expectations for the province.
“Agriculture, farmers and rural areas are not only long-term livelihoods of the majority of Vietnamese people, but also address important social issues, which are the foundation for developing a market economy with socialist orientation for an independent, self-reliant and prosperous Việt Nam that does not leave anyone behind,” he said.
While lauding citizens for donating land to the project, Phúc asked local authorities to care for local residents and create jobs for those affected by the project.

He also urged ministries and agencies to promptly complete procedures to ensure capital for the project to form a route linking Hà Nội with Hải Phòng, Quảng Ninh and other regional localities.

The 34.4km road project has total investment of VNĐ3.87 trillion (US$166 million). Of which, VNĐ1.1 trillion sourced from the State budget, VNĐ1.59 trillion was mobilised from the local budget and other sources and the rest contributed by investors in the form of built-operate-transfer model.

The project is expected to serve key projects such as the Thái Bình economic zone, Ninh Bình-Hải Phòng-Quảnh Ninh expressway, Diêm Điền Port, Thái Bình Electricity Centre and industrial clusters in Tiền Hải and Thái Thụy districts.

Regarding agriculture development and a project on developing an industrial zone for agriculture in the province, the PM said the project is significant to Thái Bình and the agricultural economy in the northern region.

The PM noted that Thái Bình is a locality with basic agricultural infrastructure and a high level of intensive farming, so constructing an industrial park for agriculture is a solid policy, laying a foundation for the development of modern agriculture with high added value and international competitiveness. Covering 194ha in An Thái, An Ninh and An Cầu communes in Quỳnh Phụ District, the project has total funding of VNĐ97.8 trillion.
With a complete production chain, the project will provide farming machines, tools and materials, helping transform production structure, thus improving farmers’ income and producing quality farm produce. 

On the same day, the Prime Minister attended the inauguration ceremony of Thái Bình Thermal Power Plant in the province’s Thái Thụy District.

The PM said the inauguration of the project is a result of co-ordination between Vietnam Electricity (EVN), local authorities and households who had to move away for the project.

The $1.27 billion project is put into operation after five years of construction.

With 600MW output capacity, the plant applies modern technology and used funds with official development assistance from Japan.

The plant is expected to contribute 3.6-3.9 billion kWh of electricity to the national power grid each year.  

To meet average rising power demand of about 10-11 per cent per year, the Government has encouraged the power sector to attract non-State budget resources, said the PM.

Phúc said that the national power grid has been able to meet domestic demand and has reserve capacity for national energy safety and security. Việt Nam’s total power productivity touches nearly 48,000MW, second in the Southeast Asian region (after Indonesia) and 31st in the world.

Over the past 15 years, 40 power plants have been put into operation, producing 21,000MW. 

The PM requested that the EVN speed up use of advanced technology to manage the plant operate in a safe manner. 

He called upon local authorities and people to supervise environmental issues relating to the project. — VNS
