SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 29 August 2019 - The European Patent Office (EPO)has seen a growing number of patent applications from Singapore and other partsof Asia, and is looking to bolster cooperation with the region.
DrChristoph Ernst, Vice President of the EPO, Directorate General Legal andInternational Affairs, said: "Asia is a major centre of innovation worldwideand there is a rapidly growing number of patents from this region. It hasbecome evident that the EOP has been receiving a rapidly growing number ofpatent applications from this (Asian) region."
DrErnst was speaking at IP Week @ SG 2019, a global forum organised by theIntellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), which hosted intellectualproperty (IP) thought leaders, legal experts and innovative companies. Themed"Idea to Assets: Driving Enterprise Growth with IP', IP Week @ SG attracted 4,000participants from 40 countries.
DrErnst said the collaboration between IPOS and EPO has strengthened over theyears. About 53% of the 170,000 patent applications received in recent yearsoriginated from outside the EU member state system -- mainly from the United States,Japan, China and Korea. "Particularly noteworthy is that patent applicationsoriginating from Singapore increased by 20% last year to now 523 applications,"he added.
Heemphasised that the EPO is committed to strengthening its efforts in vitalareas for the benefit of the global user community. It will continue to developglobal standards, he said.
"Weare looking very much to enhance and continue our cooperation with all statesfrom all other parts of the world, and namely from Asia," he said.
Inhis address, he acknowledged the setting up of IPOS International, which wasofficially announced by Singapore's Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr ChanChun Sing, in his capacity as Guest of Honour.
IPOSInternational is a newly set up entity, built on deep expertise and extensivenetworks established over the years within the IPOS Group, that will supportglobal and Singapore enterprises for business growth through thecommercialisation of their intangible assets (IA) and intellectual property.
Globalenterprises are encouraged to tap on IPOS International in the areas ofmanaging their IA, patent search and analysis and building education andtraining programmes.