Eco-garden built for children with disabilities

May 25, 2020 - 07:57
An eco-garden project commenced construction at the KiAnh Foundation in Điện Bàn town in the central province on Friday. The foundation helps children with disabilities. 


Children with disabilities help out in the eco-garden at the centre for disabled kids. — Photo courtesy GreenViet

QUẢNG NAM — An eco-garden project commenced construction at the KiAnh Foundation in Điện Bàn Town in the central province on Friday. The foundation helps children with disabilities. 

The garden, which is part of the ‘One Million Trees Plantation’ project, will provide farm skills and tree planting experience to 100 children with disabilities at the centre.

Hoàng Hải Sơn, a co-ordinator of the ‘One Million Trees Plantation’ project, said the garden will be free from chemical fertiliser and pesticides, supplying healthy herbs and vegetables for the children at the centre.

Director of the centre, Đỗ Lê Tố Quyên, said the centre provides free education and rehabilitation for 100 children with disabilities in Điện Bàn Town and neighbouring districts in northeast Quảng Nam.

She said the eco-garden will help give real experience, education and therapy for the disabled children.

Volunteers start planting trees at the centre for disabled children in Điện Bàn Town. — Photo courtesy GreenViet

Kids will plant trees and vegetables in the garden before harvesting farm produce themselves, she said. — VNS
